Учитывая все вышеназванные нюансы, Казахстан с момента провозглашения  перевод - Учитывая все вышеназванные нюансы, Казахстан с момента провозглашения  английский как сказать

Учитывая все вышеназванные нюансы,

Учитывая все вышеназванные нюансы, Казахстан с момента провозглашения независимости поставил своей главной целью участия в создании коллективной безопасности мирового сообщества и заявил что будет добиваться следующих целей:
- в рамках международного права все конфликтные ситуации урегулировать только мирным путем.
- свертывания гонки вооружения на Земле и недопущения ее в космосе
- призыв всех государств мира к снижению вооруженных сил до минимального уровня, достаточного для обороны
- уничтожения химического оружия
- сокращения и испытания всех видов оружия массового поражения, и в первую очередь ядерных. Недопущение экспорта материалов и технологий, способствующих созданию и распространению оружия массового поражения;
В области международной безопасности деятельность Казахстан развивалась по двум основным направлениям: глобальная международная безопасность и региональная международная безопасность. Для достижения поставленных целей молодой суверенный Казахстан столкнулся с проблемой ядерного оружия, которые находились на территории республики.

Казахстан нежданно-негаданно приобрел статус ядерной державы после распада Советского Союза. В то же время такие же статусы приобрели Украина, Белоруссия и соответственно Россия. На территории Казахстана в боевой готовности находились 108 ракет, каждая, которая имела 10 боеголовок (всего 1400 боеголовок). Также, на территории было размещено 40 стратегических бомбардировщиков ТУ-95 МС с 240 крылатыми ядерными ракетами. И самое главное были размещены уникальные испытательные полигоны для испытания ядерных устройств. Самый масштабный из них размещался восточной части Казахстана и назывался Семипалатинским испытательным полигоном. Многие годы Советского периода данный полигон был строго засекречен, а населенные пункты на карте обозначались только номерами.

По оценкам аналитиков, ученных и политологов, Казахстан имел как плюсы, так и минусы в вопросе наличия ядерного оружия.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Given all the above details, Kazakhstan since independence has set as its main objective the participation in creating the collective security of the international community and stated that it will pursue the following aims: -within the framework of international law all conflict situations resolved only by peaceful means. -collapse of an arms race on Earth and in space to avoid -the call of all nations of the world to reduce the armed forces to a minimum level sufficient for Defense-destruction of chemical weapons-reduce and testing of all types of weapons of mass destruction, and primarily nuclear. Preventing exports of materials and technologies conducive to the creation and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; In the field of international security activities of Kazakhstan has developed in two main areas: global security and regional security. In order to achieve the goals of the young sovereign Kazakhstan faced the problem of nuclear weapons, which were in the territory of the Republic. Kazakhstan unexpectedly gained the status of a nuclear power after the collapse of the Soviet Union. At the same time, the same status acquired Ukraine, Byelorussia and Russia, respectively. On the territory of Kazakhstan in military readiness were 108 missiles each, which had 10 warheads (1400 in total warheads). Also, the territory was placed 40 strategic bombers TU-95 MS with 240 cruise nuclear missiles. And most importantly were placed unique test tracks for testing nuclear devices. The largest of them housed the eastern part of Kazakhstan and was called the Semipalatinsk testing ground. For many years the Soviet period this landfill was strictly restricted, and human settlements on the map were only numbers. According to analysts, scientists and political scientists, Kazakhstan had both pros and cons on the question of the existence of nuclear weapons.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Given all of the above nuances Kazakhstan since independence has set as its main objective to participate in the creation of the collective security of the international community and said he would seek the following objectives:
- within the framework of international law, all conflicts resolved only by peaceful means.
- Folding arms race on earth and preventing it in space
- it calls for all states to reduce the armed forces to a minimum level sufficient for defense
- the destruction of chemical weapons
- the reduction and testing of all weapons of mass destruction, and especially nuclear. Non-export of materials and technologies that contribute to the creation and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction,
international security activities of Kazakhstan has developed in two main areas: global and regional international security international security. To achieve these goals the young sovereign Kazakhstan was faced with the problem of nuclear weapons, which were on the territory of the republic. Kazakhstan unexpectedly acquired the status of a nuclear power after the collapse of the Soviet Union. At the same time acquired the same status Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, respectively. On the territory of Kazakhstan in the alert are 108 missiles each, which had 10 nuclear warheads (1,400 warheads). Also, the territory was taken by 40 strategic bombers Tu-95 MS 240 cruise nuclear missiles. And most importantly, it has been placed unique test sites for testing nuclear devices. The biggest of them was located the eastern part of Kazakhstan and called the Semipalatinsk test site. For many years, the Soviet period, the site was strictly kept secret, and the settlements on the map indicate only numbers. According to analysts, academics and political analysts, Kazakhstan had both pros and cons on the issue of the presence of nuclear weapons.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
given all these dayskazakhstan since independence has its primary purpose, participation in the establishment of collective security, the international community and stated that will achieve the following objectives:.in the framework of international law, all conflicts resolved only through peaceful means.
- winding arms race on earth and prevent it in space.- the call of all nations of the world to reduce the armed forces to the minimum level, sufficient for the defence of
- reduce the destruction of chemical weapons and the testing of all types of weapons of mass destruction.and primarily nuclear. preventing the export of materials and technologies that promote the creation and dissemination of weapons of mass destruction. "in the field of international security activities, kazakhstan has been developed in two main areas: the global international regional security and international security.to achieve the goals the young sovereign kazakhstan is faced with the problem of nuclear weapons, which were in the territory of the republic.

kazakhstan, where's he appeared from acquired the status of nuclear power after the collapse of the soviet union. at the same time, such as updates become ukraine, belarus and russia, respectively.on the territory of kazakhstan on alert were 108 missiles each, which had 10 warheads (only 1400 warheads). also, thein the territory of strategic bombers were deployed 40 tupolev 95 ms with 240 nuclear cruise missiles. and most important have been the unique testing sites for the testing of nuclear devices.the largest of these was the eastern part of kazakhstan and was called the semipalatinsk testing ground. many years of the soviet period, the ground was severely restricted.while settlements on the map designated numbers alone.

estimated by analysts, scientists, and political scientists, kazakhstan had both advantages and disadvantages, so the existence of nuclear weapons.
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