В профессии стюардессы можно выделить как преимущества, так и недостат перевод - В профессии стюардессы можно выделить как преимущества, так и недостат английский как сказать

В профессии стюардессы можно выдели

В профессии стюардессы можно выделить как преимущества, так и недостатки. И тех, и других, вероятно, очень много, но я постараюсь выделить основные 4. Возможно, кому-то эти преимущества и недостатки помогут в выборе профессии. Поставьте их на чашу весов и все тщательно взвесьте! От Вашего решения зависит вся Ваша будущая жизнь!
• Возможность увидеть мир. Эта возможность стоит в настоящий момент очень дорого, и оценивается не только деньгами, но и ичными эмоциями, приятными воспоминаниями. Это, действительно, здорово.
• Возможность работать для тех, кто влюблен в небо. Кто рожден для этого, как птица для полета.
• Возможность неплохо заработать. Можно не ограничивать себя в финансовых затратах, купить машину, квартиру, дом.
• Возможность отдыхать 2 раза в год по месяцу и раньше уйти на пенсию.
• Быстрая потеря своего здоровье. Часто те, кто никогда не болел, не ценят своего здоровья. Но без никого никак нельзя.
• Ненормированный график. Работа без графика, незнание, где окажетесь завтра.
• Проблемы с личной жизнью. Очень мало дней проводится дома.
• Эта работа нестабильна. Вы никому не будете нужны, если серьезно заболеете, если потеряете красивый внешний вид.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Professional flight attendants can be identified both advantages and disadvantages. And those, and other, probably very much, but I will try to highlight the key 4. Perhaps someone these advantages and disadvantages will help you in the choice of profession. Put them on the scales and all carefully weigh! Your decision depends on your whole future life!Pros:• The ability to see the world. This feature is worth is currently very expensive and is not only money, but also ichnymi emotions, pleasant memories. This is really cool.• The opportunity to work for those who are in love with the sky. Who is born for this, like a bird to fly.• Opportunity to earn good money. You can not limit yourself in financial expenses, buy a car, an apartment, a House.• Possibility to rest 2 times a year for a month before retirement.Cons:• Rapid loss of their health. Often, those who have never been sick, do not value their health. But without anyone cannot.• Irregular schedule. Work without graphics, ignorance, where you will find yourself tomorrow.• Problems with personal life. Very few days is held at home.• This work is unstable. You won't need anyone seriously sick, if you lose a beautiful appearance.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The flight attendant profession can be identified both advantages and disadvantages. And of those, and other, probably a lot, but I will try to highlight the main 4. Maybe someone of these advantages and disadvantages will help in choosing a profession. Put them on the scales and weigh everything carefully! On your decision depends on all of your future life!
• The ability to see the world. This possibility is currently very expensive, and is measured not only in money but also ary emotions and pleasant memories. This is really cool.
• The ability to work for those who love the sky. Who was born for this, like a bird to fly.
• The ability to make good money. You can not limit yourself to the financial costs, buy a car, an apartment, a house.
• The possibility to rest 2 times a year for a month before retirement.
• Rapid loss of his health. Often, those who had never been sick, do not value their health. But no one can not be.
• Irregular schedule. Working without a schedule, not knowing where yourself tomorrow.
• Problems with personal life. Very few days carried out at home.
• This work is unstable. You would be worthless if seriously ill, if you lose the beautiful appearance.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
professional flight attendants can provide both advantages and disadvantages. and those, and other, probably very much, but i will try to identify the key 4. maybe somebody these strengths and weaknesses will help in choosing a profession. put them on the scales and carefully consider! from your decision depends on your whole future life!pros:- the ability to see the world. this possibility is currently very expensive, and is not only money, but also ичными emotions, pleasant memories. it"s really great.- to work for those who are in love with the sky. who are born to it, like a bird in flight.the opportunity to earn good money. do not limit yourself in financial cost, buy a car, an apartment, a house.- possibility to rest 2 times a year for a month before retiring.cons:the rapid loss of their health. often those who never was sick, do not value their health. but no one can be.the irregular schedule. work without graphics, not knowing where you tomorrow.the problem with my personal life. a few days of being at home.- the process is unstable. you won"t be needed if seriously sick, if you lose a handsome appearance.
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