с 1 сентября 2013 года вновь была введена обязательная школьная форма, но каждое образовательное учреждение само решает, как должна выглядеть форма.
Исследование компании «Будь в Форме!», проведенное в 2005 году, показало, что из 2200 средних и частных школ в Москве примерно 60 процентов ввели или собираются вводить форму, а в Санкт-Петербурге эта цифра составила не менее 90 процентов.
В современной России нет единой школьной формы, как было в СССР, но многие лицеи и гимназии, особенно наиболее престижные, а также некоторые школы имеют свою собственную форму, подчеркивающую принадлежность учеников к тому или иному учебному заведению. В ряде школ нет формы, принятой официально, но форма может вводиться на уровне класса, по согласованию с родителями учеников (обычно такую «классную» форму вводят в младших классах). Кроме того, в учебных заведениях, не имеющих школьной формы, могут существовать правила ношения одежды делового стиля.
Школьная форма советского времени (или платья, стилизованные под неё) с белыми фартуками традиционно надевается выпускницами на Последний звонок как символ прощания со школой, и реже — на другие праздники. Однако, в ряде школ платья и фартуки для девочек либо сохранились с советского времени, либо были введены вновь в 2000-е годы с целью поднятия дисциплины учащихся.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
from September 1, 2013 year was again introduced mandatory school uniforms, but each institution itself decides the form should look like.The research company "be fit!", held in the year 2005 showed that of 2200 secondary and private schools in Moscow about 60 percent have entered or will enter the form and, in St. Petersburg this figure amounted to not less than 90 per cent.In modern Russia there is no single school uniforms, as it was in the USSR, but many lyceums and gymnasiums, especially the most prestigious ones, as well as some schools have their own form, emphasizing the pupils belonging to an educational institution. In some schools there's no forms, adopted officially, but the shape can be entered at the class level, in consultation with the pupils ' parents (usually such a form is injected in the lower grades). In addition, schools that do not have a school uniform dress code may exist business style.Uniforms of the Soviet time (or dresses, stylized) with white aprons are traditionally worn on the Alumni of last call as a symbol of farewell to the school, and rarely on other holidays. However, in a number of schools for girls and aprons dresses or preserved since the Soviet time, or were reintroduced in 2000-ies with the aim of raising the discipline of students.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
from 1 September 2013 the newly introduced mandatory school uniform, but each institution itself decides how should look like a form.
A study of "Be fit!", conducted in 2005, showed that 2,200 medium-sized and private schools in Moscow about 60 percent have introduced or plan to introduce a form, and in St. Petersburg the figure was at least 90 percent.
In Russia today, there is no single school uniforms as it was in the Soviet Union, but many high schools and grammar schools, especially the most prestigious, as well as some schools have their own form, emphasizing the students belonging to a particular institution. In some schools there is no form adopted officially, but the form can be administered at the class level, in consultation with parents of students (usually such a "cool" form is introduced in the lower grades). In addition, schools do not have school uniforms, there may be rules for wearing business style.
School uniforms of the Soviet period (or dresses, stylized it) with white aprons traditionally worn graduates in the last bell as a symbol of farewell to the school, and less likely - on other holidays. However, a number of schools dresses and aprons for the girls or preserved from the Soviet era, or were introduced again in the 2000s with the aim of raising the discipline of students.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
since september 1, 2013 was again introduced mandatory school uniforms, but every educational institution itself decides what should be uniform.
study of company be in shape! "conducted in 2005 revealedof the 2200 medium and private schools in moscow, approximately 60 per cent have or are about to form, and in st. petersburg this figure amounted to no less than 90%. in modern russia there is no unified school uniformas in the soviet union, but many lyceums and gymnasia, especially the most prestigious, and some schools have their own form подчеркивающую identity of students to an educational institution.in some schools, there is no form adopted officially, but the form can be introduced at the level of class, in consultation with the parents of students (usually a "классную» form lead junior). in addition, in educational establishments.do not have a school uniform, there may be rules of business style clothes.
school uniform soviet time (or dressesstylized under) with white aprons have traditionally worn as a symbol of a выпускницами on last call with the school, and less so on other holidays. however,a number of schools for girls' dresses and aprons or preserved in the soviet time, or have been reintroduced in 2000 with the aim of raising discipline students.
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