Как правило, акты парламента в области уголовного права устанавливают ответственность за конкретные преступления. Очень часто издание статута бывает делом случая, являясь, по существу, ответом на вопрос, возникший в судебном деле. Вот к примеру, в связи с делом Мортона появилась в 1976 году новая формулировка изнасилования.
Помимо статутов к законодательным источникам уголовного права относится делегированное законодательство. Как отмечают английские юристы, оно дает возможность быстро принимать и изменять постановления, не представляя их на утверждение парламента. Высшей формой делегированного законодательства будет «приказ в Совете», кᴏᴛᴏᴩый вводит в действие многие законы. Фактически «приказы в Совете» издаются правительством и просто санкционируются Тайным Советом. Эти и подобные акты публикуются Издательством Ее Величества в сборнике «Statutory Instrument».
Нередко уголовные статуты содержат отсылки, предоставляющие Государственному секретарю полномочия по их применению (например, по исполнению отдельных видов санкций). Иногда делегированнное полномочие затрагивает весьма важный вопрос. Так, в Законе о детях и подростках 1969 г. имеется статья, устанавливающая уголовную ответственность с 14 лет (по общему праву — с 10 лет). При этом в действие эта статья может вступить исключительно после издания ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙующего приказа Государственного секретаря (на момент издания ϶ᴛᴏй работы данная статья закона так и не вступила в силу).
Все попытки кодифицировать уголовное право Англии и Уэльса были безрезультатны. Первые из них предприняты Уполномоченными по вопросам уголовного права в 1833 — 1849 гг. Их работа вылилась в подготовку двух законопроектов: о преступлениях против личности и о кражах. Стоит заметить, что они были приняты парламентом в 1853 году, но, по мнению английских юристов, не принесли большой пользы.
Дальнейшие попытки предпринимались в 1878, 1879 и 1880 годах. Их результатом явилось издание в Англии большого числа уголовных законов, причем одни из них содержали только материальные, а другие— и процессуальные нормы. Эти законы являли собой ϲʙᴏеобразные кодексы по отдельным областям уголовного права. К примеру, Закон о преступлениях против личности 1861 г. (с изменениями) установил уголовную ответственность не только за тяжкое и простое убийство, но и за тяжкие телесные травмы, отравление, нападение, кражу ребенка, двоеженство и незаконный аборт. Закон о краже 1968 г. охватил большое число преступлений против собственности.
Что касается развития статутного права, то обращает на себя внимание огромная работа Комиссии по реформе права, учрежденной в 1965 году. Помимо нее разработкой законопроектов занимаются специальные королевские комиссии и Комитет по пересмотру уголовного законодательства, созданный еще до второй мировой войны.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
As a rule, acts of Parliament in the area of criminal law, establish responsibility for specific crimes. Very often the Statute publication happens affair case, being essentially a response to the issue raised in the court case. Here for example, in the case of Morton appeared in 1976, new wording of the rape.In addition to the statutes to legislative sources of criminal law applies to delegated legislation. As noted by English lawyers, it gives you the ability to quickly adopt and modify orders, not presenting them to Parliament for approval. The highest form of delegated legislation will "order in Council", ᴏ ᴛ ᴏ ᴩ th introduces many laws. In fact, orders in Council issued by the Government and simply authorized by the Privy Council. These and similar acts are published by her Majesty's collection of "Statutory Instrument".Often criminal statutes contain references, provide the Secretary of State powers to their application (e.g. certain types of execution of sanctions). Sometimes delegirovannnoe the power affects a very important issue. So, in the Statute on children and adolescents, 1969. article establishing criminal responsibility to 14 years (at common law — with 10 years). While the article can join only after publication ᴏ ᴛ ᴏ ϲ ʙ ϲ ʙuûŝego ᴛ ᴛ ᴇ order of the Secretary of State (at the time of publication ϶ ᴛ ᴏ ND work this article still has not entered into force).All attempts to codify the criminal law of England and Wales were futile. The first of them taken criminal law Commissioners in 1833-1849 years. Their work culminated in the preparation of two bills: the offences against the person and about thefts. It's worth noting that they have been adopted by the Parliament in the year 1853, but according to British lawyers, did not bring much use.Further attempts were made in 1878, 1879 and 1880 respectively. The result was the publication in England of a large number of criminal laws, some of which contain only material, and others — and procedural rules. These laws have been the ϲʙ ᴏ eobraznye codes for selected areas of criminal law. For example, the offences against the person Act 1861 (with modifications) has established criminal liability not only for a serious and manslaughter, but for serious corporal injuries, poisoning, attacks, theft of a child, bigamy and illegal abortion. The theft Act 1968, covered a large number of crimes against property.With regard to the development of statutory law, the noteworthy awesome work Law Reform Commission established in the year 1965. In addition to her developing bills deal with special Royal Commission and the criminal law revision Committee, established before the second world war.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
As a rule, acts of Parliament in the area of criminal law establish the responsibility for specific crimes. Very often, the publication of the statute is a matter of chance, being, in essence, the answer to the question which has arisen in a court case. Here for example, in connection with the case of Morton it appeared in 1976. The new formulation of rape.
In addition to the statutes of the legal sources of criminal law relates delegated legislation. As the British lawyers, it allows you to quickly adopt and amend regulations without presenting them to Parliament for approval. The highest form of delegated legislation will be "Order in Council" kᴏᴛᴏᴩy introduces many laws of action. In fact, "Order in Council" issued by the government and only sanctioned by the Privy Council. These and similar acts published by Her Majesty's collection «Statutory Instrument».
Often criminal statutes contain references, with the Secretary of State powers to their use (for example, the execution of certain types of sanctions). Sometimes delegirovannnoe authorization concerns a very important question. Thus, the Law on Children and Adolescents in 1969 contains an article which establishes criminal responsibility to 14 years (as a general rule - 10 years). In this case, the action of this article can start only after the issuance of the order ςᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛςᴛʙuyuschego State Secretary (at the time of publication of the work ϶ᴛᴏy this article of the law has not come into force).
All attempts to codify the criminal law of England and Wales were futile. The first of these Commissioners made on criminal law in the 1833 - 1849 biennium. Their work resulted in the preparation of two draft laws: on crimes against the person and of the theft. It is worth noting that they have been adopted by Parliament in 1853, but, according to the British lawyers, did not bring much benefit.
Further attempts were made in 1878, 1879 and 1880s. Their result was the publication in England of a large number of criminal laws, and some of them contain only material and Other- and procedural rules. These laws were a ςʙᴏeobraznye codes on selected areas of criminal law. For example, the Crimes Against the Person Act 1861 (as amended) established criminal liability not only for serious and manslaughter, but also for grievous bodily injury, poisoning, assault, theft of a child, bigamy and illegal abortion. The law of the theft in 1968 seized a large number of crimes against property.
With regard to the development of statutory law, it drew the attention of a lot of work on the reform of the Law Commission, established in 1965. In addition to its development of bills by a special royal commission and the Committee on the revision of the criminal law, established before World War II.
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