Elton John has had a forty-year long musical career. And he is one of  перевод - Elton John has had a forty-year long musical career. And he is one of  русский как сказать

Elton John has had a forty-year lon

Elton John has had a forty-year long musical career. And he is one of the most famous British singers, composers and pianists. He is on the list of 100 Greatest Artists of All Time. Elton John fe playing the piano when he was 3. In 1966 Elton John wrote music for the lyrics written by Bernie Taupin and sent it to him. And their partnership continues to this day. In 1969 Elton John released his first album but the public ignored it and didn’t buy the album.
When in a year or two he first entered the US Top 100 chart he was in the 92nd spot. John’s first
American concert took place in Los Angeles and was a success. In 1973 John’s album Don’t Shoot Me I’m Only the Piano Player became his breakthrough n the USA because some songs from the album entered the best songs charts in America for the first time. In 1977 John announced that he had decided to stop performing.
Taupin began working with others. In 1979, Jbhn and Taupin united to work
together again. In 1985 John was one of the many performers at Live Aid, the charity marathon concert. In the 1990s Elton JohK was already known as one of the most popular musicians. In 1997 Jqhnllost two clbse friends, the world famous Italian designer Gianni Versace Diana, thePrincess of Wales.
His concerts in her memory and his song Candle in the Wind raised millions of pounds thatNwent to - Diana Memorial Fund. Today Elton John continues performihg to concert halls . He has sold 250 million albums
! He performed with the Lohdon Symphony Orchestra and with many world
famous musicians. His performances in the Palace Square in St Petersburg and at the state kremlin Palace in Moscow were very successful. Elton John continues to inspire musicians today. In his interviews he said: “I want to work with Pharrel, Ti mb Aland and Eminem. Some people think that our work won't be a success. But lt cloud bu "fantastic! Today my musicians and I are working hard because at the ehd of this year I am releasing a new album. I want my fans to enjoy it!''
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Elton John has had a forty-year long musical career. And he is one of the most famous British singers, composers and pianists. He is on the list of 100 Greatest Artists of All Time. Elton John fe playing the piano when he was 3. In 1966 Elton John wrote music for the lyrics written by Bernie Taupin and sent it to him. And their partnership continues to this day. In 1969 Elton John released his first album but the public ignored it and didn’t buy the album.When in a year or two he first entered the US Top 100 chart he was in the 92nd spot. John’s firstAmerican concert took place in Los Angeles and was a success. In 1973 John’s album Don’t Shoot Me I’m Only the Piano Player became his breakthrough n the USA because some songs from the album entered the best songs charts in America for the first time. In 1977 John announced that he had decided to stop performing.Taupin began working with others. In 1979, Jbhn and Taupin united to worktogether again. In 1985 John was one of the many performers at Live Aid, the charity marathon concert. In the 1990s Elton JohK was already known as one of the most popular musicians. In 1997 Jqhnllost two clbse friends, the world famous Italian designer Gianni Versace Diana, thePrincess of Wales.His concerts in her memory and his song Candle in the Wind raised millions of pounds thatNwent to - Diana Memorial Fund. Today Elton John continues performihg to concert halls . He has sold 250 million albums! He performed with the Lohdon Symphony Orchestra and with many worldfamous musicians. His performances in the Palace Square in St Petersburg and at the state kremlin Palace in Moscow were very successful. Elton John continues to inspire musicians today. In his interviews he said: “I want to work with Pharrel, Ti mb Aland and Eminem. Some people think that our work won't be a success. But lt cloud bu "fantastic! Today my musicians and I are working hard because at the ehd of this year I am releasing a new album. I want my fans to enjoy it!''
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Элтон Джон был сорок год музыкальную карьеру. И он является одним из самых известных британских певцов, композиторов и пианистов. Он находится в списке 100 величайших исполнителей всех времен. Элтон Джон Fe играет на пианино , когда ему было 3. В 1966 году Элтон Джон написал музыку для лирики , написанных Берни Топином и послал его к нему. И их сотрудничество продолжается и по сей день. В 1969 году Элтон Джон выпустил свой первый альбом , но публика игнорировала его и не купил альбом.
Когда через год или два он впервые вошел в график США Top 100 он был в 92 - м месте. Первый Джона
американский концерт состоялся в Лос - Анджелесе и имел успех. В 1973 году альбом Джона Не Shoot Me Я только пианистом стал его прорывом н США , потому что некоторые песни с альбома вошли лучшие песни графики в Америке в первый раз. В 1977 году Джон объявил , что он решил прекратить выступления.
Топин начал работать с другими. В 1979 году , Jbhn и Топин объединились , чтобы работать
вместе снова. В 1985 году Джон был одним из многих исполнителей на Live Aid, благотворительный марафон концерт. В 1990 - е годы Элтон JohK уже был известен как один из самых популярных музыкантов. В 1997 году Jqhnllost двух clbse друзей, всемирно известный итальянский дизайнер Джанни Версаче Диана, thePrincess Уэльса.
Его концерты в ее памяти и его песня Свеча на ветру поднял миллионы фунтов thatNwent в - Мемориальный фонд Дианы. Сегодня Элтон Джон продолжает performihg в концертных залах. Он продал 250 миллионов альбомов
! Он выступал с симфоническим оркестром Lohdon и со многими всемирно
известными музыкантами. Его выступления в Дворцовой площади в Санкт - Петербурге и в Государственном Кремлевском дворце в Москве были очень успешными. Элтон Джон продолжает вдохновлять музыкантов сегодня. В своих интервью он сказал: "Я хочу работать с Pharrel, Ti мб Аландских и Eminem. Некоторые люди думают , что наша работа не будет иметь успех. Но облако л бушель "фантастика! Сегодня мои музыканты и я прилагаем все усилия , потому что в ЭДК этого года я выпускаю новый альбом. Я хочу , чтобы мои поклонники , чтобы наслаждаться этим! ''
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