2. Карьера профессиональная (неспециализированная) — вид карьеры, широко развитый в Японии. Японцы твердо придерживаются мнения, что руководитель должен быть специалистом, способным работать на любом участке компании, а не по какой-то отдельной функции. Этим японская культура отличается, например, от американской. Поднимаясь по служебной лестнице, человек должен иметь возможность взглянуть на компанию с разных сторон, не задерживаясь на одной должности более, чем на три года. Считается вполне нормально, если руководитель отдела сбыта меняется местами с руководителем отдела снабжения. Многие японские руководители на ранних этапах своей профессиональной карьеры работали в профсоюзах. В результате такой политики японский руководитель обладает значительно меньшим объемом специализированных знаний (которые в любом случае потеряют свою ценность через 5 лет) и одновременно владеет целостным представлением об организации, подкрепленным личным опытом. Ступени неспециализированной профессиональной карьеры работник может пройти как в одной, так и в разных организациях.
Внутриорганизационная карьера охватывает последовательную смену стадий развития работника в рамках одной организации.
Различают несколько видов внутриорганизационной карьеры:
1. Карьера центростремительная (скрытая) — вид карьеры, наименее очевидный для окружающих. Она доступна ограниченному кругу работников, как правило, имеющих налаженные личные контакты с высшим эшелоном управления и обширные деловые связи вне организации. Под центростремительной карьерой понимается движение к ядру, руководству организации. Например, приглашение работника на недоступные другим сотрудникам встречи, совещания как формального, так и неформального характера, получение сотрудником доступа к неформальным источникам информации, доверительные обращения, отдельные важные поручения руководства. Такой работник может занимать рядовую должность в одном из подразделений организации, но де-факто иметь высокий социальный статус. Как правило, уровень оплаты его труда существенно превышает вознаграждение за работу в занимаемой должности.
2. Карьера горизонтальная — вид карьеры, предполагающий либо перемещение в другую функциональную область деятельности, либо выполнение определенной служебной роли на ступени, не имеющей жесткого формального закрепления в организационной структуре (например, выполнение роли руководителя временной рабочей группы, программы и т. п.). К горизонтальной деловой карьере можно отнести расширение или усложнение задач на прежней ступени (как правило, с адекватным изменением вознаграждения). Понятие «Горизонтальная карьера» не означает непременное и постоянное движение вверх по организационной иерархии.
3. Карьера вертикальная — вид карьеры, с которым чаще всего связывают само понятие внутриорганизационной карьеры, так как в этом случае продвижение наиболее зримо. Под вертикальной карьерой понимается подъем на более высокую ступень структурной иерархии (повышение в должности, которое сопровождается более высоким уровнем оплаты труда).
4. Карьера ступенчатая — вид карьеры, который совмещает в себе элементы горизонтальной и вертикальной видов карьеры. Продвижение работника может осуществляться посредством чередования вертикального роста и горизонтальным. Такой вид карьеры встречается довольно часто и может принимать как внутриорганизационные, так и межорганизационные формы.
Главной задачей планирования и реализации карьеры является обеспечение взаимодействия профессиональной и внутриорганизационной карьеры. Это взаимодействие предполагает выполнение ряда задач, а именно:
увязать цели организации и отдельного сотрудника;
планировать карьеру конкретного сотрудника с учетом его специфических потребностей и ситуаций;
обеспечить открытость процесса управления карьерой;
устранять "карьерные тупики", в которых практически нет возможностей для развития сотрудника;
повышать качество процесса планирования карьеры;
формировать наглядные и воспринимаемые критерии служебного роста, используемые в конкретных карьерных решениях;
изучать карьерный потенциал сотрудников;
использовать обоснованные оценки карьерного потенциала работников с целью сокращения нереалистичных ожиданий;
определять пути служебного роста, которые помогут удовлетворить количественную и качественную потребность в персонале в нужный момент времени и в нужном месте[13].
Практика показывает, что часто работники не знают своих перспектив в данном коллективе. Это говорит о плохой постановке работы с персоналом, отсутствии планирования и контроля карьеры в организации[2].
Планирование и контроль деловой карьеры заключаются в том, что с момента принятия работника в организацию и до предполагаемого увольнения с работы необходимо организовать планомерное горизонтальное и вертикальное продвижение работника по системе должностей или рабочих мест. Работник должен знать не только свои перспективы на краткосрочный и долгосрочный период, но и то, каких показателей он должен добиться, чтобы рассчитывать на продвижение по службе [10].
В таблице 1 показаны связи между этапами карьеры и потребностями. Но для того чтобы управлять карьерой, необходимо более полное описание того, что происходит с людьми на различных этапах карьеры. Для этого в организациях проводятся специальные исследования.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
2. Career Professional (non-) is a type of career, widely developed in Japan. The Japanese firmly that leader must be a specialist able to work anywhere on the company, rather than a single function. The Japanese culture is different, for example, from the United States. Rising through the ranks, an individual should be able to look at the company from different angles, hitting on the same post more than three years. It is considered quite normal, if sales manager swaps places with the head of the Department of supply. Many Japanese leaders in the early stages of his career worked in trade unions. As a result of such policies, the Japanese leader has significantly less specialized knowledge (which in any case lose their value over 5 years) and also owns a holistic view of the Organization, backed up by personal experience. Non-specialised career steps an employee can pass as one and in different organizations.Internal career spanned a consistent change of stages of development of an employee of an organization.There are several kinds of internal career:1. Career centripetal (hidden) is a type of career, the least obvious to others. It is available to a limited number of workers, usually having established personal contacts with the higher echelon of management and extensive business contacts outside of your organization. Under a centripetal movement refers to the career the nucleus, the management of the organization. For example, an employee on inaccessible to other members, meetings, both formal and informal nature, receive employee access to informal sources of information, confidential treatment, some important instructions manual. Such a worker can take ordinary post in one of the units of the Organization, but de facto have high social status. As a rule, the level of payment for his labour significantly exceeds the remuneration for work in his post.2. horizontal Career is a career involving or moving to a different functional area or perform a particular service role on stage, not in a hard institutionalization in the organizational structure (e.g., serving as head of the temporary working groups, programmes, etc.). Horizontal business career can be attributed to the extension or complication of the tasks on the same stage (usually with an adequate change of remuneration). The notion of "Horizontal career" does not mean indispensable and constant movement up the organizational hierarchy.3. vertical Career is a career, which is most often associated with the notion of internal career, as in this case, the promotion of the most visibly. The vertical rise of the understood career higher structural hierarchy (promotion, which is accompanied by a higher level of remuneration).4. Career speed-type career that combines elements of horizontal and vertical types of careers. Promotion of employee can be accessed with alternation of vertical and horizontal growth. This kind of career is quite frequently and can take both organizational and inter-organizational forms.The main task of the planning and implementation of the career is the interaction of professional and institutional career. This interaction involves several tasks, namely: link between the objectives of the Organization and the individual; the individual career planning, taking into account its specific needs and situations; ensure openness of the career management process; Remove "career dead ends", in which there are virtually no opportunities for employee development; improve the quality of career planning process; form displays and perceived career criteria used in concrete career decisions; study career potential employees; use reasonable assessments of career potential employees to reduce unrealistic expectations; identify ways for promotion, which would help to meet quantitative and qualitative need for staff at the right time in the right place and time [13].Practice shows that often the workers do not know their prospects in this team. It speaks of bad staging work with personnel, the lack of career planning and control in the Organization [2].Planning and control of business career is that, since the adoption of the employee in the Organization and to the alleged dismissal it is necessary to organize a concerted horizontal and vertical promotion system worker posts or jobs. The employee must know not only their prospects for short-and long-term period, but no indicators he must ensure that rely on promotions [10].Table 1 shows the relationship between stages and career needs. But in order to manage your career, you need a fuller description of what happens to people at different stages of their careers. To do this, organizations are carried out special studies.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
2. career as a professional (non-specialized) - the kind of career, well-developed in Japan. The Japanese are firmly of the opinion that the manager must be an expert, able to work on any part of the company, rather than any particular features. This Japanese culture is different, for example, from the US. Rising through the ranks, people should be able to look at the company from different angles, without stopping at one position for more than three years. It is considered quite normal, if the head of the sales department is swapped with the head of the supply department. Many Japanese executives in the early stages of his professional career working in the trade unions. As a result of this policy the head of the Japanese has a much smaller volume of specialized knowledge (which in any case lose their value after 5 years) and at the same time has a holistic view of the organization based on their personal experience. Steps specialized professional career employee may pass in one, and in different organizations.
Intraorganizational career spans a succession of stages of development of the employee within an organization.
There are several types intraorganizational career:
1. Career centripetal (hidden) - the kind of career, the least obvious to others. It is available for a limited number of employees, as a rule, have established personal contacts with the highest echelons of management and extensive business ties outside the organization. Under the centripetal career refers to the core of the movement, the leadership of the organization. For example, at the invitation of an employee are not available to other employees appointments, meetings, both formal and informal character, receiving employee access to informal sources of information, confidential treatment, some important instructions manual. Such an employee may take the rank and file in the office of one of the divisions of the organization, but de facto to have a high social status. As a general rule, the level of his remuneration significantly exceeds the remuneration for work in the office.
2. Careers horizontal - the kind of career, involving a move to another functional area of activity, or perform a specific service roles on stage, which has no hard formalize the organizational structure (for example, acting as head of the interim working group of the program, and so on. N.). For horizontal business career include expansion or complexity of problems at the previous stage (usually with an adequate change of remuneration). The concept of "horizontal career" does not mean indispensable and constant movement up the organizational hierarchy.
3. Careers vertical - the kind of career, which is most often associated the notion of intra-organizational career, as in this case, the promotion of the most visible. Under vertical career meant the rise to a higher level of structural hierarchy (promotion, which is accompanied by higher wages).
4. Careers speed - the kind of career that combines elements of both horizontal and vertical types of careers. Progress can be performed by a worker interleaving horizontal and vertical growth. This kind of career is very common and can take both intra and inter-organizational form.
The main task of planning and implementation of a career is to provide professional interaction and intra-organizational career. This interaction involves a number of tasks, namely:
align goals of the organization and the individual employee;
a specific career plan for the employee, taking into account its specific needs and situations;
ensure the transparency of the process of career management;
eliminate "career dead ends" in which virtually no opportunities for employee development;
improve the quality of the process of career planning;
generate visual and perceived career criteria used in specific career decisions;
explore career potential employees;
use of reasonable estimates of career building professionals to reduce unrealistic expectations;
to determine the career path to help meet the quantitative and qualitative need for personnel at the right time and right place. [13]
Experience has shown that employees often do not know their prospects in this team. This indicates poor organization of work with the staff, lack of career planning and control in organizations [2].
Planning and Control business career lies in the fact that since the adoption of the employee to the organization and to the alleged dismissal from work is necessary to organize systematic horizontal and vertical advancement of employees the system posts or jobs. The employee must know not only their prospects in the short and long term, but also public figures he must ensure that the count of promotion [10].
Table 1 shows the relationship between the stages of a career and needs. But in order to manage a career, you need a more complete description of what happens to people at different stages of a career. To this end, organizations are special studies.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
2. career professional (неспециализированная) is a kind of career, widely developed in japan. the japanese strongly hold the view that the leader should be good atable to work on any station company, not a separate function. the japanese culture is different, for example, from american. climbing up the ladder.person should have the opportunity to look for a company from different sides, not being on the same position more than three years. is quite normal.if the head of marketing changes places with the logistics. many japanese managers at the early stages of his professional career working in the trade unions.as a result, the japanese leader has far fewer specialized knowledge (which, in any case, will lose its value in five years) and at the same time, is the wholeon the organization.supported by personal experience. step неспециализированной career employee may pass in one, and in the different organizations.internal career covers a consistent shift stages of development of employees within an organization. there are several types of organizational career:
1.a centripetal (hidden) is a kind of career, the least obvious to others. it is available to a limited number of employees, as a rule,with the personal contacts with the highest echelon of management and extensive business connections outside the organization. under the центростремительной career refers to the movement to the core of leadership of the organization. for example,an employee at the inaccessible to other staff appointments, meetings, both formal and informal nature, receiving an access to informal information sourceshonest treatment, some important errands manual. a worker may have some common post in one of the units, but the de facto have a high social status. as a rule,levels of remuneration for his labour significantly exceeds the remuneration for work in position.
2. a horizontal type a career, or relocating to a different functional areaeither the specific performance role on stage, without a formal introduction of the organizational structure (for example, the role of the working group, the program and so on. p.).horizontal business career include the expansion and complexity of tasks at the same level (usually with an adequate change of remuneration).the concept of "horizontal career does not imply a permanent move up the organizational hierarchy.
3. a vertical type.who is most often associated with the concept of organizational career, since in this case the most pervasive.vertical career refers to rise to a higher level of structural hierarchy (promotions, which is accompanied by a higher wage).
4. a manual transmission type.which combines elements of horizontal and vertical types of careers. the employee may be by alternating the vertical growth and horizontal.this type of career often and can take as the organizational, and inter organizational form.the main task of planning and implementation of the career is the interaction of professional and organizational career. this interaction involves several tasks, namely: -the photos to the objectives of the organization and the individual;
photos plan career specific staff, taking into account the specific needs and situations;
photos to ensure the openness of the process of career;.photos address "career dead ends", in which almost no development opportunities for the staff;
photos to enhance the quality of the process of career planning;
photos to create clear criteria and perceived careerused in specific career decisions;
photos to explore career staff capacity;
photos using reasonable assessment of career development of employees, in order to reduce unrealistic expectations;.the photos to determine the path of growth, which will help to meet the quantitative and qualitative need for staff at the right time and the right place [13].
practice showsoften, employees do not know their prospects in this group. it talks about the bad production work with personnel, lack of career planning and control in the [2].planning and control of business career issince the adoption of the employee in the organization and to the alleged dismissal should be a smooth horizontal and vertical moving worker on the posts or workthe employee must know not only its prospects in the short and long term, and what indicators should be to rely on the promotion of [10].table 1 shows the relationship between the stages of career needs. but in order to control the position, should be a more full description of what happens to people at different stages of their career.the organizations are carried out special research.
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