Oliver glanced at his watch. There were ten minutes left until the sup перевод - Oliver glanced at his watch. There were ten minutes left until the sup русский как сказать

Oliver glanced at his watch. There

Oliver glanced at his watch. There were ten minutes left until the supermarket closed and he was rushing round, quickly dropping things he needed for the weekend into his trolley. He hadn’t been in his own flat long and now his mother had invited herself for dinner the following day. He really wanted to impress her with his ability to cope on his own, but he knew that the usual critical comments would soon appear if everything wasn’t perfect. He hoped that the three days he’d spent cleaning the place from top to bottom wouldn’t be wasted, and he’d even gone so far as painting the front door. His mother wouldn’t notice that, though, of course. What she would notice was the dust on top of the pictures, or the old sofa, or one of a thousand other things that Oliver had forgotten about. Still, he was determined to give her a good meal, and maybe that would put her in a slightly better mood than usual.

He checked his shopping list again and bent over to look through his trolley. He mentally ticked off the items and then realised that he still needed eggs. As he straightened up to set off towards the dairy section, there was an enormous collision, a clatter of tins and a loud shriek of pain. When Oliver had recovered his balance, he saw an attractive woman of about nineteen on her knees, putting tins and vegetables back into a handheld basket.

‘Why don’t you watch where you’re going?’ she snapped at him over her shoulder. ‘Some people just have no manners. Honestly … ‘

‘Er … sorry,’ stammered Oliver. ‘Let me help you.’ He began to pick tins up. ‘It really wasn’t my fault, though, you know. I was just … ‘The girl grabbed a tin of tuna from his hands.

‘Never mind,’ she said, her basket now full, and she strode off down the aisle without looking back. Oliver watched her go and sighed. He never seemed to have much luck with girls. Maybe that was just what he needed to show his mother how grown up he was. He turned back to his own trolley and began to push it. Maybe if she came to dinner and he introduced her to an intelligent, charming young woman then she would stop calling him every day to check he was okay. As Oliver thought about this possibility, something caught his eye and he stopped his trolley. There was a red leather purse on top of his shopping. It must have come out of the girl’s basket and landed in his trolley. Oliver quickly glanced around, looking for the girl. She wouldn’t be able to pay for her shopping. He picked up the purse, left his trolley and sprinted towards the line of checkouts.

When he got there, he scanned the lines of customers waiting to pay. There were about a dozen queues, but Oliver couldn’t see the girl in any of them. Thinking that she must still be shopping somewhere in the supermarket, Oliver turned to go and find her when he suddenly heard a familiar voice at the front of the queue next to him.

‘I’m sure I had it here a minute ago. I want to speak to the manager. I think it’s been stolen. It must be someone in this supermarket because I know … ‘

She stopped as she realised that Oliver was standing next to her, holding her purse out towards her.

‘Lost something?’ Oliver asked.

The girl smiled, then recognised Oliver and frowned, before her expression softened again and she took the purse with a faint smile on her lips.

‘Thanks,’ she said quietly.
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Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]
Oliver glanced at his watch. There were ten minutes left until the supermarket closed and he was rushing round, quickly dropping things he needed for the weekend into his trolley. He hadn’t been in his own flat long and now his mother had invited herself for dinner the following day. He really wanted to impress her with his ability to cope on his own, but he knew that the usual critical comments would soon appear if everything wasn’t perfect. He hoped that the three days he’d spent cleaning the place from top to bottom wouldn’t be wasted, and he’d even gone so far as painting the front door. His mother wouldn’t notice that, though, of course. What she would notice was the dust on top of the pictures, or the old sofa, or one of a thousand other things that Oliver had forgotten about. Still, he was determined to give her a good meal, and maybe that would put her in a slightly better mood than usual.He checked his shopping list again and bent over to look through his trolley. He mentally ticked off the items and then realised that he still needed eggs. As he straightened up to set off towards the dairy section, there was an enormous collision, a clatter of tins and a loud shriek of pain. When Oliver had recovered his balance, he saw an attractive woman of about nineteen on her knees, putting tins and vegetables back into a handheld basket.‘Why don’t you watch where you’re going?’ she snapped at him over her shoulder. ‘Some people just have no manners. Honestly … ‘‘Er … sorry,’ stammered Oliver. ‘Let me help you.’ He began to pick tins up. ‘It really wasn’t my fault, though, you know. I was just … ‘The girl grabbed a tin of tuna from his hands.‘Never mind,’ she said, her basket now full, and she strode off down the aisle without looking back. Oliver watched her go and sighed. He never seemed to have much luck with girls. Maybe that was just what he needed to show his mother how grown up he was. He turned back to his own trolley and began to push it. Maybe if she came to dinner and he introduced her to an intelligent, charming young woman then she would stop calling him every day to check he was okay. As Oliver thought about this possibility, something caught his eye and he stopped his trolley. There was a red leather purse on top of his shopping. It must have come out of the girl’s basket and landed in his trolley. Oliver quickly glanced around, looking for the girl. She wouldn’t be able to pay for her shopping. He picked up the purse, left his trolley and sprinted towards the line of checkouts.When he got there, he scanned the lines of customers waiting to pay. There were about a dozen queues, but Oliver couldn’t see the girl in any of them. Thinking that she must still be shopping somewhere in the supermarket, Oliver turned to go and find her when he suddenly heard a familiar voice at the front of the queue next to him.‘I’m sure I had it here a minute ago. I want to speak to the manager. I think it’s been stolen. It must be someone in this supermarket because I know … ‘She stopped as she realised that Oliver was standing next to her, holding her purse out towards her.‘Lost something?’ Oliver asked.The girl smiled, then recognised Oliver and frowned, before her expression softened again and she took the purse with a faint smile on her lips.‘Thanks,’ she said quietly.
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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]
Оливер посмотрел на часы. Были десять минут осталось до супермаркета не закрылись, и он мчался вокруг, быстро снижается вещи, которые он, необходимых для выходных в его тележке. Он не был в его собственной квартире долго, и теперь его мать пригласила себя на ужин на следующий день. Он действительно хотел, чтобы произвести на нее впечатление с его способностью справиться самостоятельно, но он знал, что обычные критические замечания будут скоро появится, если все было не идеально. Он надеется, что через три дня он провел чистки место сверху донизу не будут потрачены впустую, и он даже зашел так далеко, живопись входную дверь. Его мать не заметить, что, хотя, конечно. То, что она не заметит был пыли сверху картин, или старый диван, или один из тысячи других вещей, Оливер забыл о. Тем не менее, он был полон решимости, чтобы дать ей хорошую еду, и, возможно, будет положить ее в несколько лучшем настроении, чем обычно. Он снова проверил свой ​​список покупок и наклонился, чтобы смотреть через его тележке. Он мысленно галочку элементы, а затем понял, что он по-прежнему необходимы яйца. Как он выпрямился, чтобы отправиться к молочной разделе, была огромная коллизия, грохот банок и громкий крик боли. Когда Оливер восстановил равновесие, он увидел привлекательную женщину девятнадцать на колени, положив банок и овощи обратно в портативном корзине. "Почему бы вам не посмотреть, где вы собираетесь? она огрызнулся на него через плечо. "Некоторые люди просто не имеют манеры. Честно говоря ... "" Э-э ... извините, "пробормотал Оливер. 'Давай я тебе помогу.' Он начал набирать банки до. "Это действительно была не моя вина, хотя, вы знаете. Я был просто ... "Девушка схватила банку тунца из его рук. Не" Ладно, "сказала она, ее корзина сейчас полно, и она зашагал по проходу, не оглядываясь. Оливер смотрел ей вслед и вздохнул. Он, казалось, не было много удачи с девушками. Может быть, это было только то, что ему нужно, чтобы показать свою мать, как вырос он был. Он повернулся к своему тележки и начал толкать его. Может быть, если она пришла на обед, и он познакомил ее с умным, очаровательной молодой женщины, то она бы перестать называть его каждый день, чтобы проверить, он был в порядке. Как думал Оливер об этой возможности, что-то привлекло его внимание, и он остановил свой ​​троллейбус. Был красный кожаный кошелек на вершине своей покупки. Это, должно быть, из корзины девушки и приземлился в его тележке. Оливер быстро огляделся, ища девушки. Она не будет в состоянии заплатить за ее покупки. Он взял кошелек, оставил свою тележку и побежал к линии касс. Когда он получил там, он просмотрел линии клиентов, ожидающих платить. Были около десятка очередей, но Оливер не мог видеть девушку в любом из них. Думая, что она должна быть по-прежнему где-то за покупками в супермаркет, Оливер повернулся, чтобы уйти, и найти ее, когда он вдруг услышал знакомый голос в передней части очереди рядом с ним. "Я уверен, что я был его здесь минуту назад. Я хочу поговорить с менеджером. Я думаю, что это было украдено. Это должен быть кто-в этом супермаркете, потому что я знаю ... "Она остановилась, как она поняла, что Оливер стоял рядом с ней, держа ее кошелек из к ней." Lost-то? Спросил Оливер. Девушка улыбнулась, затем признали Оливера и нахмурился, прежде чем ее лицо смягчилось, и она снова взял кошелек с легкой улыбкой на губах. "Спасибо," сказала она тихо.

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