Грамматические ошибки чаще всего раздражают интровертов
1 апреля 2016
Исследователи из Университета Мичигана установили: черты личности влияют на то, как люди реагируют на ошибки в письменной речи. Экстраверты могут упустить из виду опечатки и грамматические ошибки, а интроверты, скорее всего, заметят их. И это негативно повлияет на их мнение о человеке, делающем такие ошибки, пишет The Hindustan Times.
В исследовании приняли участие 83 добровольца. Они читали ответы на объявления о поиске соседа по квартире (электронные письма). В тексте ответа были либо опечатки, либо грамматические ошибки. Затем участникам предложили оценить уровень интеллекта, дружелюбие и другие черты характера человека, написавшего письмо.
Кроме того, добровольцы рассказали о себе. В конце эксперимента участников спросили, заметили ли они какие-нибудь грамматические ошибки в письмах. Добровольцы, которые обратили внимание на ошибки, также сообщили, насколько они их беспокоили.
Как и следовало ожидать, ошибки чаще раздражали тех, кто придавал грамотности большое значение. Еще исследователи установили: интроверты замечали ошибки чаще экстравертов. Менее покладистые люди в основном обращали внимание на грамматические ошибки, а более добросовестные и менее открытые – на опечатки.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Grammatical errors most often irritate the introvertsApril 1, 2016Researchers from the University of Michigan established: personality traits affect how people react to errors in writing. Extroverts may overlook typos and grammatical errors, while introverts are likely to notice them. And this will negatively affect their opinion of the person making such mistakes, The Hindustan Times.The study involved 83 volunteers. They read responses to ads about finding an apartment neighbor (emails). In the body of the reply were either typos or grammatical errors. Then participants were asked to evaluate the level of intelligence, friendliness and other human traits, wrote. In addition, volunteers were told about themselves. At the end of the experiment, participants were asked whether they had noticed any grammatical errors in the letters. Volunteers who paid attention to the errors, also told how they bothered. As expected, errors often annoyed those who attach great importance to literacy. Yet the researchers found: introverts extroverts often errors noticed. Less docile people mostly paid attention to grammatical errors, and more honest and less open-typos.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Grammatical errors often irritate introverts
April 1, 2016
Researchers from the University of Michigan established: personality traits influence how people react to errors in writing. Extroverts may overlook typos and grammatical errors, and introverts are likely to notice them. And this has a negative impact on their opinion of the person to make such mistakes, writes The Hindustan Times.
The study involved 83 volunteers. They read the answers to all of the search ad flatmate (e-mails). The text of the response were either typos or grammatical errors. Then, participants were asked to evaluate the level of intelligence, friendliness and other features of human nature, wrote a letter.
In addition, the volunteers told about themselves. At the end of the experiment, participants were asked whether they noticed any grammatical errors in the letters. Volunteers, who drew attention to the errors, also reported whether they be disturbed.
As expected, errors increasingly irritated those who attach great importance to literacy. Yet the researchers found: introverts notice mistakes more often extroverts. Less than complaisant people generally pay attention to grammatical errors, and more conscientious and less open - on errors.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
grammar mistakes often annoying интровертовapril 1, 2016researchers from the university of michigan established: personality traits affect how people respond to errors in the written word. athletic may overlook typos and grammatical errors, and интроверты likely to notice them. and it will have a negative influence on their opinion of the man делающем such errors, and writes the Hindustan times.in the study of 83 volunteers participated. they read the responses to the announcements about finding a roommate (emails). the responses were either typos or grammatical errors. then, the participants proposed to assess the level of intelligence, friendliness and other traits of man written letter.in addition, the volunteers told me about myself. at the end of the experiment participants were asked whether they noticed any grammatical errors in the letter. the volunteers who drew attention to the errors, also reported how they disturbed.as expected, the error often irritate those who associated literacy is of great importance. other researchers have found: интроверты noticed errors often экстравертов. less покладистые people mostly pay attention to grammatical errors, and more conscientious and less open to typographical errors.
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