Jobs is a co-founder of Apple, the man behind the astonishing success  перевод - Jobs is a co-founder of Apple, the man behind the astonishing success  украинский как сказать

Jobs is a co-founder of Apple, the

Jobs is a co-founder of Apple, the man behind the astonishing success of the computer animation firm Pixar - of Toy Story and Finding Nemo fame - a billionaire regarded as a visionary in the industry. Born to an Egyptian Arab father and an American mother in GreenBay, Wisconsin, 49 years ago, Steven Paul was adopted soon after his birth by Paul and Clara Jobs, who lived in Mountain View in Santa Clara, California. After completing high school in California, Jobs went north to Reed College in Portland, Oregon,but dropped out after one term.Back in California, he became a regular at the Homebrew Computer Club, along with another young man, five years his senior, with his own visions of the future: Steve Wozniak.In 1976, when Jobs was 21, he and Wozniak started their own business, the Apple Computer Company, in Jobs' family garage.With a mission to produce affordable personal computers the pair went to market with the AppleI shortly afterwards. A local company ordered 25 of the prototype and the pair frere on their way. The almost instant success of Apple I and its sister Apple ll launched them. By the age of 25 Jobs was worth $165m. Apple was the first landmark in Jobs'career but by 1985 he was on his way out after John Sculley, Who had joined the company from Pepsi-Cola, decided it was time to

drop the pilot. Four years later Jobs returned with anothercomputer company, Nextstep,Which never achieved the success of Apple but reminded people that he was far from finished. What was later hailed as Jobs'so second coming started with his involvement in Pixar, the animation company he bought from the Star Wars director, George Lucas, and renamed. The hit movies Toy Story instantly established it as one of the key players in Hollywood, a success only added to with the release of Finding Nemo. Pixar made Jobs a billionaire. so His triumph there also reminded people of his ability to predict the technological future. Apple asked him to return. He came back in1997 and within a year the ailing company was once more making handsome profits.His latest venture may turn out to be the most influential. Since the emergence of high-speed Internet

the music industry has complained that it is being brought to its knees by the pirates of downloading. The dream of hundreds of companies has been a way to harness the desire for music on the Internet and turn it into profit. Jobs believes that iTunes is the answer. But then Jobs does not believe in underselling his companies.'This will go down in history as the turning point for the music industry,'he told Fortune magazine at the launch of iTunes in the US. Journalists who have followed Jobs'career have also seen another side of bib personality when he has walked out of interviews, irritated at the line of questioning and refusing intrusions into his personal life. He is not known for his patience.'We can't have a heroic flgure
without a fatal flaw,'was the assessment of David Plotnikoff,writing a profile earlier this year in local paper.'Jobs exudes arrogance of a certain blastfurnace intensity that people find hard to overlook With Jobs, it was never enough to say "We're right on this and they're wrong". No, it was always "We're right on this and they're idiots"
But Plotnikoff added:'There is simply no way the Mac could have been born without that supreme confidence.'If there has been a theme to Jobs'success it has been his genius, as it were, for finding other geniuses and promoting their brilliance.
[출처] The Guardian profile : Steve Jobs - By Duncan Campbell|작성자 로크
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Робочі місця є співзасновником Apple, людина за дивним успіх комп'ютерної анімації фірма Pixar - Історія іграшок та пошуках Немо слави - мільярдер розглядається як далекоглядний в промисловості. Народився Єгипетський батько і американської матері в GreenBay, штат Вісконсін, 49 років тому, Стівен Павло був прийнятий незабаром після її народження Павла і Клара робочих місць, які жили в Маунтін-В'ю в Санта-Клара, штат Каліфорнія. Після закінчення середньої школи в Каліфорнії, робочі місця пішов півночі Reed College в Портленд, штат Орегон, але кинув після одного терміну. Ще в Каліфорнії, він став регулярно в доморощенной комп'ютерного клубу, а також ще один молодий чоловік, п'ять років його старше, з його власні візії майбутнього: 1976 Стів Wozniak.In, коли робочих місць було 21, він і Возняк почали свій бізнес, комп'ютерна компанія Apple, в сім'ї гараж Джобса. З місії, щоб виробляти доступним персональних комп'ютерів пара пішов на ринок з у AppleI незабаром після цього. Місцева компанія наказав 25 прототипу і пара frere на їхньому шляху. Майже миттєвий успіх Apple я і її сестра Apple ll запустили їх. За віком 25 робочих місць було коштує $165 м. Apple була першою віхою в Jobs'career, але до 1985 він був на його вихід після того, як Джон Sculley, які долучилися до компанії від Пепсі-кола, вирішив, що настав час, щоб drop the pilot. Four years later Jobs returned with anothercomputer company, Nextstep,Which never achieved the success of Apple but reminded people that he was far from finished. What was later hailed as Jobs'so second coming started with his involvement in Pixar, the animation company he bought from the Star Wars director, George Lucas, and renamed. The hit movies Toy Story instantly established it as one of the key players in Hollywood, a success only added to with the release of Finding Nemo. Pixar made Jobs a billionaire. so His triumph there also reminded people of his ability to predict the technological future. Apple asked him to return. He came back in1997 and within a year the ailing company was once more making handsome profits.His latest venture may turn out to be the most influential. Since the emergence of high-speed Internet the music industry has complained that it is being brought to its knees by the pirates of downloading. The dream of hundreds of companies has been a way to harness the desire for music on the Internet and turn it into profit. Jobs believes that iTunes is the answer. But then Jobs does not believe in underselling his companies.'This will go down in history as the turning point for the music industry,'he told Fortune magazine at the launch of iTunes in the US. Journalists who have followed Jobs'career have also seen another side of bib personality when he has walked out of interviews, irritated at the line of questioning and refusing intrusions into his personal life. He is not known for his patience.'We can't have a heroic flgurewithout a fatal flaw,'was the assessment of David Plotnikoff,writing a profile earlier this year in local paper.'Jobs exudes arrogance of a certain blastfurnace intensity that people find hard to overlook With Jobs, it was never enough to say "We're right on this and they're wrong". No, it was always "We're right on this and they're idiots" But Plotnikoff added:'There is simply no way the Mac could have been born without that supreme confidence.'If there has been a theme to Jobs'success it has been his genius, as it were, for finding other geniuses and promoting their brilliance.[출처] The Guardian profile : Steve Jobs - By Duncan Campbell|작성자 로크
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