Следующим письмом я направлю Заказ №17 на полиэтилен.У меня к Вам просьба отгрузить Заказ №17 максимально быстро, так как материал нам нужен очень срочно.
The next letter I will send to Order №17 polyethylene. <br>I have to ask you to ship the order №17 as quickly as possible, because the material we need very urgently.
The next letter I will send Order 17 on polyethylene.<br>I have a request to you to ship Order 17 as quickly as possible, as we need the material very urgently.
In the next letter, I will place an order for 17 polyethylene.<br>I ask you to deliver the goods as soon as possible, because we need the materials very much.<br>