То, что продавец общается со мной только после того, как я открываю спор, тоже говорит не в его пользу. Что мне делать с этим платьем? Пожалуйста, рассмотрите мою просьбу. С уважением к продавцу и к комиссии, Анастасия
What seller communicates with me only after I open a dispute, also said not in his favor. What do I do with this dress?Please consider my request. With respect to the seller and to the Commission, Anastasia
The fact that the seller communicates with me only after I open the debate, too, does not speak in his favor. What do I do with this dress? Please consider my request. With respect to the seller and to the Commission, Anastasia
what the seller communicates with me only after i open the dispute's not in his favor. what do i do with that dress? please consider my request. with respect to the seller and to the commission.