В России произошла ужасная вещь… И в этом, в большой степени, вина Путина и его окружения. Они выстригли на сто километров вокруг себя траву, леса и деревья, чтобы, не дай бог, в этом пространстве не подкрался супостат — человек, который вдруг будет услышан, как предполагаемый политик. Я не знаю, что должно произойти, чтобы кто-то был услышан, но не потому что он скажет какую-то эффектную фразу, а потому что будет спокойно прагматичен и умен.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
In Russia there was a terrible thing. And this, to a large extent, the fault of Putin and his entourage. They vystrigli on one hundred kilometers around himself a grass, forests and trees to, God forbid, this space is not with supostat — the man who suddenly is heard, as the intended policies. I don't know what's going to happen to someone was heard, but not because he says some spectacular phrase, and because there is a calm pragmatic and smart.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
In Russia, there was a terrible thing ... And that, to a large extent, Putin's wine and its environment. They vystrigli per hundred kilometers around him the grass, and the trees of the forest, so that, God forbid, in this space not crept adversary - a man who suddenly be heard, as the intended policies. I do not know what should happen to someone was heard, but not because he says some spectacular ice, but because it will be calm and pragmatic smart.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
in russia, a terrible thing happened... and this, to a great extent, the fault of putin and his circle. they выстригли 100 kilometers around the grass, trees and forests to, god forbid, the space is not enough супостат - a man who suddenly will be heard as the politician. i don"t know what"s going to happen, someone was heard, but not because he says some last words, but because be easy pragmatic and smart.
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