Некоторые люди предпочитают иметь друзей из реального мира, другие счи перевод - Некоторые люди предпочитают иметь друзей из реального мира, другие счи английский как сказать

Некоторые люди предпочитают иметь д

Некоторые люди предпочитают иметь друзей из реального мира, другие считают, что лучше друзья с виртуального мира. Но я соглашусь с теми людьми, которые думают, что друзья с реального мира лучше.

И сейчас я попытаюсь объяснить мою точку зрения. Во-первых, ты не можешь хорошо знать людей, если ты их не видишь и не разговариваешь с ними. Например, когда ты общаешься с людьми в Интернете, ты не можешь быть полностью уверен, что эти люди не смогут предать тебя. Во-вторых, если тебе скучно, ты можешь погулять с твоими «реальными» друзьями. Это очень полезно и для твоего психического здоровья. Когда ты гуляешь с друзьями, твое настроение обычно улучшается, и это продлевает твою жизнь. И, в-третьих, если тебе плохо или грустно, и ты не хочешь никому рассказывать о том, что случилось, они могут заметить это и поддержать тебя.
Существует и иная точка зрения. Некоторые люди предпочитают «виртуальных» друзей. Я не могу с ними согласиться. Но у каждого человека свое мнение.
В заключение, мне бы хотелось сказать, что, по моему мнению, лучше иметь «реальных» друзей, потому что они всегда с тобой.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Some people prefer to have friends from the real world, others believe that better friends with the virtual world. But I agree with those people who think that real-world friends better.And now I will try to explain my point of view. Firstly, you can't well know people if you can't see them and not talk to them. For example, when you communicate with people online, you can't be totally sure, that these people will not be able to bring to you. Secondly, if you get bored, you can walk with your "real" friends. This is very useful for your mental health. When you go with friends, your mood usually improved, and this prolongs your life. And thirdly, if you feel bad or sad, and you don't want to tell anyone about what had happened, they might notice it and support you.There is another point of view. Some people prefer to "virtual" friends. I can't agree with them. But each person has their own opinion.In conclusion, I would like to say that, in my opinion, it is better to have "real" friends, because they are always with you.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Some people prefer to have friends in the real world, while others believe that it is better friends with the virtual world. But I agree with those people who think that the Friends of the real world better.

And now I will try to explain my point of view. Firstly, you can not know the people well, if you do not see them and talk to them. For example, when you communicate with people on the Internet, you can not be completely sure that these people will not betray you. Secondly, if you're bored, you can walk with your "real" friends. This is very beneficial for your mental health. When you walk with your friends, your mood is generally improving, and it prolongs your life. And thirdly, if you feel bad or sad, and you do not want to tell anyone about what happened, they can notice it and support you.
There is another point of view. Some people prefer 'virtual' friends. I can not agree with them. But every man has his opinion.
In conclusion, I would like to say that, in my opinion, it is better to have a 'real' friends because they are always with you.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
some people prefer to have friends from the real world, others believe that the best friends in the virtual world. but i agree with those people who think they are friends with the real world better.and now i will try to explain my point of view. first of all, you can"t good to know people, if you can"t see them and talk to them. for example, when you communicate with people on the internet, you can"t be completely sure that these people can"t betray you. secondly, if you get bored, you can go out with your "реальными» friends. it"s very good for your mental health. when you were out with friends, your mood usually improves, and extend your life. and third, if you feel bad or sad, and you don"t want to tell anyone about what happened, they can see it for you.there is a different point of view. some people prefer to "virtual" friends. i can"t agree to them. but every man has his opinion.in conclusion, i would like to say that, in my opinion, it is better to have "real" friends because they are always with you.
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