Древняя цивилизацияНеизвестная древняя цивилизация на дне Иссык-КуляДн перевод - Древняя цивилизацияНеизвестная древняя цивилизация на дне Иссык-КуляДн английский как сказать

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Древняя цивилизация
Неизвестная древняя цивилизация на дне Иссык-Куля
Дно Иссык-КуляОдной из археологических сенсаций уходящего года является открытие на дне высокогорного озера Иссык-Куль (Киргизия) неизвестной древней цивилизации, существовавшей 2,5 тысячи лет назад. Это стало возможным в результате настойчивого поиска, который вела международная Иссык-Кульская археологическая экспедиция Киргизско-Российского славянского университета, работавшая под руководством вице-президента Академии наук Киргизии Владимира Плоских. «Наш успех был бы невозможен без участия аквалангистов Российской конфедерации подводной деятельности», – заявил он по завершении экспедиции. Как подчеркнул ученый, результаты этого года особые, они дают основание говорить о том, что у иссыккульских берегов в ту давнюю пору жили не кочевники – здесь существовала развитая цивилизация оседлого типа.

«Мы работали на глубине от 5 до 10 метров у северного побережья озера и нашли под водой огромные стены, длиной примерно в пол-километра. Это – признак большого города, площадь которого могла составлять несколько квадратных километров, масштаб по тем временам масштаб колоссальный, – рассказал руководитель подводной экспедицией член Научного комитета Конфедерации подводной деятельности России Николай Лукашов. Стены сложены из камня, покрытого многовековым слоем известняка. Пока не удалось оконтурить весь город, он нанесен на карту приблизительно, поскольку часть стен осыпалась и была занесена песком».

Исследователи уточнили карты и схемы затопленных поселений, отдельных зданий и скоплений предметов, представляющих историческую ценность. По словам Николая Лукашова, аквалангисты обнаружили на дне озера размытые волнами курганы, в которых хоронили скифов. Были найдены прекрасно сохранившиеся предметы сакского (скифского) периода, в том числе бронзовые топорики и наконечники, самозатачивающиеся кинжалы акинаки. «Нам посчастливилось, – подчеркнул Лукашов, – обнаружить мастерскую по обработке руды, обломки бронзового производства, различные отливки, целую пирамиду рудотерок, а также золотой округлый усеченный штырь весом в 70 граммов». Считается, что этот золотой предмет по форме напоминает первозданные древнерусские «рубли», служившие некогда деньгами.

Николай Лукашов рассказал и о том, что близ курортного поселка Чолпон-Ата, в прибрежной части дна, аквалангисты обнаружили также странные травяные круги диаметром 15-20 метров. Что это, сказать точно пока невозможно. Как предполагает сотрудник Российской академии наук историк Светлана Лукашова, кругообразная травяная «лужайка» могла произрасти на органических остатках животного происхождения, возможно, в этом месте был караван-сарай, имевший конюшню».

Иссык-Куль — бессточное солоноватое озеро, расположенное в Тянь-Шаньских горах на высоте 1608 метров. Его глубина в центре озерной чаши достигает 700 метров. За свою историю Иссык-Куль много раз повышал и понижал свой уровень за счет различных природных факторов. Локальные участки берегов многократно подвергались явлению тектонического опускания, увлекая за собой под воду человеческие поселения.

Иссык-Куль славится очень чистой водой. Его издревле считали священным, однако местные жители никогда не купались в озере, испуганные сказаниями о неком чудовище, живущем в глубинах. Считалось, что оно уносит под воду тех, кто осмеливается войти в воду. Возможно, это поверье во многом объясняет тот факт, почему на протяжении тысячелетий не проявляли свою активность добытчики подводных сокровищ.

Исследование побережий и акватории Иссык-Куля первыми начали русские ученые, в XIX веке. Одним из них был знаменитый Николай Пржевальский, похороненный, согласно завещанию, на берегу озера. Историков, археологов интересовал, главным образом, легендарный дворец Великого Тимура, стоявший, как рассказывали хроники, на берегу Иссык-Куля и загадочно исчезнувший.

Искали также некогда затопленный монастырь братьев армянских, удалось даже найти множество каменных крестов (ныне находятся в Эрмитаже). Как пояснила Светлана Лукашова, на этой центральноазиатской территории в древности каждые 2 века менялась этническая группа. В раннехристианский период здесь находилась мигрирующая группа армян. Это выяснилось, когда вскрывали старое кладбище в предместьях Бишкека. На одной из древних могил была обнаружена надпись на армянском языке, где упоминался пресвитер. Значит – было духовенство, был епископ.

То, что армянский монастырь существовал, подтверждает Каталанский географический каталог, изданный в 1380 году. В нем была помещена карта мира, Азии и, что удивительно, очень правильно изображено озеро Иссык-Куль – вытянутой формы, в правильном расположении. Около озера схематически пририсован монастырь. На каталанском языке сказано, что место это – «Иссикуль», на берегах которого находится монастырь братьев армянских, в коем есть мощи Святого Матфея, апостола и евангелиста. Откуда появились эти сведения у испанцев, неясно.

По преданию, почившего на эфиопской земле евангелиста Матфея поместили в серебряную раку. «Согласно «благочестивой традиции», мощи святого могли быть разделены и разошлись по всему миру, попав в том числе и в армянский монастырь на Иссык-Куле. Но, вполне возможно, что и вся рака с мощами Матфея могла оказаться в этом монастыре, – полагает Светлана Лукашова. – Однако доказать это можно будет только тогда, когда рака найдется. Подводные исследования дают такую надежду».
Археологический материал, найденный россий
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Ancient civilizationUnknown ancient civilization at the bottom of the LakeBottom of the Issyk-KulâOdnoj of the archaeological sensations of the year is the opening at the bottom of the high-mountain lake Issyk-Kul (Kyrgyzstan) by an ancient civilization that existed 2.5 thousand years ago. This became possible as a result of persistent search which led international Issyk-Kul archeological expedition of the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, working under the guidance of the Vice President of the Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan Vladimir Ploskikh. Our success would not have been possible without the participation of divers of the Russian Confederation of underwater activities, "he said at the conclusion of the expedition. As a scientist, the results of this year's special, they give reason to say that the issykkul′skih coast in the long time lived not nomads-here there was a developed civilization settled type."We were working at a depth of 5 to 10 meters off the North coast of the Lake and found a huge underwater wall, approximately half a mile. It is a sign of a big city, which could be a few square kilometers, the scale for the time scale is enormous, "said the head of the submarine expedition member of the Scientific Committee of the Confederation of underwater activities of Russia Nikolai Lukashov. The walls are made of stone, covered with centuries-old layer of limestone. Have not been able to understand the whole city, it is marked on the map around, because some of the walls crumbled down and has been named on the sand. "The researchers said the card schemes and flooded villages, individual buildings and clusters of items of historical value. According to Nikolai Lukashova, divers found on the lake bottom blurry waves of mounds, which buried the Scythians. Were found well-preserved items of Saka (Scythian) period, including bronze axes and arrowheads, self-sharpening daggers akinakes. "We were fortunate to, said lukashov-discover the ore-processing workshop, fragments of bronze production, different casting, a pyramid of rudoterok, as well as the gold rounded truncated pin weighing 70 grams". It is believed that this gold piece is shaped like a pristine old Russian rubles ", which was once the money.Nikolay Lukashov told and that near the resort of Cholpon-Ata, in the coastal area of seabed, divers discovered the strange herbal circles with a diameter of 15-20 meters. That is, it is not yet possible to say for sure. As a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, suggests the historian Svetlana Lukashova, krugoobraznaâ herbal "lawn" to proizrasti the organic residues of animal origin, it may, in this place was a caravanserai, which was stable.Issyk Kul is an endorheic endorheic Lake located in the Tien-Shan mountains at an elevation of 1608 feet. The depth of the Lake in the center of the bowl reaches 700 meters. During its history the Issyk Kul Lake many times increased and decreased its level by various environmental factors. Local sections of the coast are repeatedly subjected to the phenomenon of tectonic subsidence, dragging an under water, human settlements.Issyk-Kul is famous for its very clean water. It has been considered sacred, but local residents have never swam in the Lake, the frightened legends about some monster living in the depths. It was thought that it carries out under water, those who dare to enter the water. Perhaps this belief largely explains why for thousands of years have not been active miners underwater treasures.Study of the coasts and waters of the Lake first began to Russian scientists in the 19th century. One of them was the famous Nikolai Przewalski, buried, according to his will, on the shore of the Lake. Historians, archaeologists were interested, mainly, the legendary Palace of the great Timur, who, as told on the Chronicles of Issyk-Kul and mysteriously disappeared.Looking for a once-flooded the monastery brothers of Armenian, was able to even find many stone crosses (now in the Hermitage). Svetlana Lukashova, explained on this Central Asian territory in ancient times every 2 century changed the ethnic group. In the early Christian period there was NIMBY group of Armenians. This is revealed when dissecting the old cemetery on the outskirts of Bishkek. On one of the ancient tombs has been found an inscription in Armenian language, which referred to the elder. Thus, there was priesthood, was Bishop.The monastery existed, confirms the Catalan geography catalogue, published in the year 1380. It was a map of the world, Asia and, surprisingly, very correctly depicts Issyk Kul Lake-elongated shape, in the right location. Near the Lake is pririsovan monastery. In Catalan said that the place is "Issikul′", on the banks of the monastery of the brothers of the Armenian, means there are the relics of St. Matthew, Apostle and evangelist. Where this information is from the Spaniards, is unclear.According to legend, the late on Ethiopian soil evangelist Matthew was placed in a silver shrine. According to "the pious tradition, the relics of the Saint can be divided and dispersed around the world, hitting the Armenian monastery in Issyk-Kul. But, it is quite possible that all the cancer with the relics of St. Matthew could have in this monastery, "said Svetlana Lukashova. But to prove it can be only when there is cancer. Underwater Research gives such hope. "Archaeological material found in Russian
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The ancient civilization
unknown ancient civilization in the bottom of a kappa
for IsaacIsaac and the PI kappa society to a bottom from the past in archaeological sensational stories the coming year is opening at the bottom of the plateau lake issyk KUL (Kyrgyzstan) unknown ancient civilization, 2500 years ago the situation.This is possible, because the persistent search engine, its Vela international Isaac and energy-saving and kappa alpha kappa for archaeological exploration in P T by energy-saving from me 3 - Russian Slavic UniversityFrom the studies. By state, pgfla and academy. Under the leadership of the Kyrgyz vice president Vladimir plane. "Our success is not possible, did not participate in the Russian Confederation of underwater activities",He said after completing -- expedition. Scientists stressed, the results of this year's special, they have reason to talk aboutI now live in me c c allus and kappa kappa kappa C and me were the day long coast developed nomads -- type settled here.

"We work 5 to 10 meters deep lake north coast found great wall and water, about half a kilometer length. This is a sign of big city --,With a few square kilometers of those days scale, large scale,Tell the manager - x C E to me these are kappa me von submarine Confederate activity and a member of the academic committee, from the state PI kappa alpha Russia Nicola. From the stone wall laminated limestone, with several centuries.The map of the city has so far failed to agree, he suffered about, because some of the walls and are placed in a "m e energy-saving energy-saving allus are pgfla PI. C die.

refined map and circuit researchers flooded settlements,A single building and historical value of the goods and accumulation, on behalf of. According to Nicola, a PI kappa alpha from the state. The divers found the wave at the bottom of the lake, fuzzy carts, buried in the scythians.Was found well preserved. The kappa kappa c c c t c (Thailand) during the period of the items, including a bronze dagger from the alpha kappa alpha kappa me, from me, from me and me are kappa ears, C 3, C. M. Pgfla long. Me me to E C for elixir. "We are very lucky, and, from the state. The PI kappa -- stressed,- found the workshop production of various ores, bronze casting debris, and the whole of Pyramid, energy-saving energy-saving, e, c k, gold in the 70 circular truncated probe. The M M C i t, "weighing. Is consideredBecause the object of this golden form are advanced, and a reminder of a society. The society has to P allus has been from the "energy-saving energy-saving", has to me and me "by pi, PI C and albumose me state, once the money from me.

PI kappa alpha, and a state told Nicola and the nearby hot springs, which are a long series of pi from the bottom of the ATA, in the coastal part,The divers found strange herbs circle diameter of 15 - 20 meters. Rather, just isn't possible. Historians such as Svetlana and PI kappa alpha, a state of the Russian Academy of Sciences researcher,"Their energy-saving pgfla von pgfla" round grass can grow on animal derived organic balance, perhaps, in this place, had had a kappa elixir elixir "caravansary, L.

C is not produced wastewater issik from their state. The society from a c e lake,Is located in the mountains, from the field. The energy-saving in 1608 were die height. He reached the lake 700 meters in the center of the depth of the bowl. You tell the story many times are from north to East and Kyrgyzstan albumose. Pi from the scene of the level of their own, through different natural factors.Many times by the local structure, land subsidence phenomenon. The coast is under water, human settlements.

KUL lake is famous for very clean water. He used to think the holy,But local residents never swim in the lake, terrified. 3. The energy-saving from the scene of the first part to me about some monster, in the depths of life. People think it takes away those who dare to enter the water under the water. Maybe,This is a superstition largely explains why thousands of years of facts, not to show their activity to me by allus, long kappa me treasures of the sea.

coastal waters and research for the first and Isaac kappa Russian scientists,In nineteenth Century. One of them is a famous are Nicola, albumose has been pgfla and energy-saving in me, no, according to the will, the lakeside. Historians, archaeologists interested, mainly is the legendary palace, great Timur, station,Chronicles how to tell the story, and for Isaac kappa and the shore to find the mysterious disappearance.

also once flooded Armenia monastery of the brothers, trying to find a large number of stone cross (now even Hermitage).Svetlana, a PI kappa alpha from state pgfla explained, changes in the Central Asian territories, every second Century ancient peoples. Here are our studies. During the visit, which were from me, for me to me in Armenia energy-saving migratory group. This is revealed,When the ancient cemetery opened in the suburbs of Bishkek. One of the ancient tomb inscriptions were found on the Armenia language version, referred to the elders. Mean -- is the clergy,

, bishop.Because of the Armenia monastery, confirmed the Catalan geographical directory, released in 1380. Is placed in the map of the world, including Asia and, surprisingly,Very correct event -- stretch form Lake issyk KUL, in the correct position. Sketch of me, are near me, a state from the monastery. C l.. Catalonia -- said, "this is me to me and I kappa and c,Armenia is located in the shore of the monastery in any brother, the strength of the apostles and evangelists, Matthew ". Where the information came from my Spanish,

according to tradition, it is unclear.Matthew the Ethiopia hopes placed on earth silver cancer. "According to" the tradition of piety, the power of the Holy Spirit, can be separated and scattered all over the world,Including pain in combat and Armenia monastery in the issyk. However, it is possible, and all of the cancer from the monastery to. M in Matthew can prove it and use the alpha kappa PI. -- Svetlana's thought. To prove this point -- but onlyWhen the cancer. Provides that underwater research. "
archeological discoveries, P increased to me in
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