Леди Брэкнелл – показывает себя типичным представителем лондонского высшего общества уже в первой беседе (the first interview with) с Джеком Уортингом. Когда Джек делает предложение (о браке) Гвендолен, и молодые люди объявляют о своей помолвке, леди Брэкнелл потрясена. По её мнению, помолвка, а затем брак должны быть организованы родителями и быть сюрпризом для девушки. К тому же молодой человек должен входить в список подходящих женихов, одобренных в свете. Однако, хотя Джека и нет в списке, леди Брэкнелл соглашается навести предварительные справки о нём. Её вопросы характеризуют её как члена высшего общества. Социальное положение и богатство много значат, поэтому леди Брэкнелл спрашивает Джека, чем он занимается, каков его доход и имеет ли он городской и загородные дома. Вопрос стиля и престижа (fashion) тоже важен: леди Брэкнелл не одобряет номер дома Джека, потому что он находится на непристижной стороне улицы. Политические взгляды молодого человека должны быть консервативными. Что касается (as for) образования, взгляды леди Брэкнелл тоже очень консервативны. Образование и знания вызывают у неё воспоминания (to remind sb of sh) об эпохе просвещения ( the Enlightenment) и последовавшей за ней Французской революцией, поэтому она считает образование опасным. Когда Джек говорит, что ничего не знает, она остаётся довольна ответом. Наконец, вопрос о происхождении молодого человека (о семье) является жизненно важным вопросом для представителя высшего общества. Леди Брэкнелл хочет выдать замуж свою дочь в приличную, желательно аристократическую, семью. Когда она узнает, что Джэка нашли в саквояже в камере хранения вокзала, она не дает согласия на этот брак.
В дальнейшем леди Брэкнелл проявляет другие качества, типичные для высшего общества. Она не только одержима мыслью о (to be obsessed with sth) стиле и престиже, но и о строгом соблюдении внешних приличий (to keep up appearances), что часто ведёт к лицемерию. Например она утверждает, что не одобряет брака по расчету, но её собственный брак был браком по расчету, потому что у неё не было состояния, когда она выходила замуж за лорда Брэкнелла.
Больше всего её лицемерие проявляется, когда она узнает о помолвке Алджернона и Сесили. Сначала она не одобряет эту помолвку и хочет прояснить происхождение Сесили. Однако после наведения предварительных справок она изменяет свое мнение. Три адреса и имена поверенных в делах семьи внушают ей доверие. А тот факт, что у Сесили большое состояние тут же делает её очень привлекательной девушкой с непреходящими (надежными) достоинствами. Вот почему леди Брэкнелл великодушно дает согласие на этот брак. С её точки зрения, её племянник - завидный (подходящий) жених: его аристократическое происхождение компенсирует тот факт, что у него ничего нет кроме долгов и что, хотя он сильно нуждается в деньгах, он расточителен (reckless). Она не имеет ничего против (не возражает против) его морального облика: Алджернон приехал в дом Джека без приглашения, под вымышленным именем, и обманул всех. В случае с Джеком она применяет двойные стандарты. Тот факт, что Джек был усыновлён и воспитан респектабельным джентельменом, что он обладает чувством долга и ответственности, что у него приличный доход и дома в Лондоне и за городом, не компенсируют его неизвестного (obscure) происхождения. Вот почему о браке Гвендолен и Джека не может быть и речи, пока вопрос о происхождении Джека неожиданно не проясняется.
В лице (in the person of) леди Брэкнелл О. Уальд высмеивает реакционные взгляды, лицемерие и преклонение перед модой (obsession with fashion), характерные для лондонского высшего общества.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Lady Bracknell is shows itself a typical representative of London high society in the first conversation (the first interview with) with Jack Worthing. When Jack makes an offer (on marriage) Gwendolen, and young people announce their engagement, Lady Bracknell, shocked. In her view, engagement, then marriage should be arranged by parents and be a surprise for the girls. Moreover, young people must be included in the list of eligible suitors, approved in the light. However, while Jack and is not in the list, Lady Bracknell agreed impose preliminary inquiries about it. It issues characterize her as a member of high society. Social status and wealth mean a lot, so Lady Bracknell asks Jack what he does, what is its income and whether it has an urban and suburban homes. A question of style and prestige (fashion) too important: Lady Bracknell, disapproves of Jack the house number because it is on the nepristižnoj side of the street. Political views of young people should be conservative. With regard to (as for) education, Lady Bracknell's views are very conservative. Education and knowledge are her memories (to remind sb of sh) of the era of enlightenment (the Enlightenment) and followed the French Revolution, so she believes education is dangerous. When Jack says that he knows nothing, it remains satisfied with the answer. Finally, the question of the origin of a young man (the family) is a vital issue for the representative of high society. Lady Bracknell wants to marry off his daughter to a decent, desirable, aristocratic family. When she learns that Jack was found in a suitcase in the luggage room of the station, she does not consent to the marriage.Later Lady Bracknell is showing other qualities, typical for high society. She not only obsessed with the thought of (to be obsessed with sth) style and prestige, but also strict observance of external decency (to keep up appearances), that often leads to hypocrisy. For example, she argues that disapproves of the marriage of convenience, but her own marriage was a marriage of convenience, because she had no status when she married the Lord Bracknell.Most of its hypocrisy is when she finds out about the engagement of Algernon and Cecily. At first she does not approve of this engagement and wants to clarify the origin of Cecily. However, after the preliminary inquiry, she alters his opinion. Three addresses and the names of the attorneys in the family inspire confidence. And the fact that Cecily large fortune immediately makes it a very attractive girl with eternal (reliable). That's why Lady Bracknell generously gives consent to the marriage. From her point of view, her nephew-plummy (suitable) fiance: his aristocratic origins compensates for the fact that he had nothing except debts and that, although it is badly in need of money, it is expensive (reckless). She has nothing against (not opposed) moral reasoning: Algernon arrived in Jack's House without invitation, under an assumed name, and deceived everyone. In the case of Jack it applies double standards. The fact that Jack was adopted by and raised a respectable džentel′menom that he has a sense of duty and responsibility, that he has a decent income and a house in London and outside the city, do not compensate for his unknown (obscure) origin. That's why the married Gwendolen and Jack is out of the question until the question of the origin of Jack suddenly is not clarified.In your face (in the person of) Lady Bracknell o. Wilde satirizes reactionary views, hypocrisy and worship for fashion (obsession with fashion), characteristic of London high society.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Lady Bracknell - shows himself a representative of London's high society in the first interview (the first interview with) Jack Worthing. When Jack does offer a (marriage) Gwendolen, and young people to announce their engagement, Lady Bracknell shocked. According to her, the engagement and then marriage should be organized by parents and a surprise for the girl. In addition, young people must be included in the list of suitable suitors approved in the world. However, while Jack and not in the list, Lady Bracknell agrees to bring the preliminary inquiries about him. Her questions characterize her as a member of high society. Social status and wealth mean a lot, so Lady Bracknell asks Jack what he was doing, what his income is and whether it has urban and country houses. The question of prestige and style (fashion) is also important: Lady Bracknell disapproves of Jack's House, because it is for non- side of the street. Political views of young people should be conservative. With regard to (as for) education, Lady Bracknell looks also very conservative. Education and knowledge causes her memory (to remind sb of sh) of the Enlightenment (the Enlightenment) and the subsequent French Revolution, so it considers the formation of dangerous. When Jack says he does not know, she is still happy with the answer. Finally, the question of the origin of a young man (the family) is a vital issue for the high society. Lady Bracknell wants to marry off his daughter to a decent, desirable aristocratic family. When she finds out that Jack was found in his bag in the storage station, it does not consent to the marriage.
In the future, Lady Bracknell exhibits other qualities, typical of high society. It is not only obsessed with the thought (to be obsessed with sth) style, and prestige, but also the strict observance of decorum (to keep up appearances), which often leads to hypocrisy. For example, it claims that did not approve of a marriage of convenience, but of her own marriage was a marriage of convenience, because she did not have the status when she married Lord Bracknell.
Most of her hypocrisy comes when she learns of the engagement Algernon and Cecily . At first she did not approve of this engagement and wishes to clarify the origin of Cecily. However, after preliminary inquiries pointing it changes your opinion. Three addresses and names of attorneys in the affairs of her family inspire confidence. And the fact that a large fortune Cecily immediately makes it a very attractive girl with enduring (reliable) advantages. That's why Lady Bracknell generously consent to the marriage. From her perspective, her nephew - eligible (suitable) groom: his aristocratic origins compensates for the fact that he has nothing but debts and that, although he desperately needs money, he is a spendthrift (reckless). It does not have anything against (not opposed to) his moral character: Algernon Jack came into the house without an invitation, under a false name, and lied to everyone. In the case of Jack it applies double standards. The fact that Jack has been adopted and brought up by a respectable gentleman, he has a sense of duty and responsibility, that he has a decent income and a house in London and in the country, it does not compensate for the unknown (obscure) origin. That is why marriage Gwendolen and Jack are not out of the question until the question of the origin of Jack suddenly not clear.
In the face (in the person of) Lady Bracknell O. Wilde makes fun of reactionary views, hypocrisy and admiration for fashion (obsession with fashion), typical of London's high society.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
lady bracknell, showing his typical representative of london's high society in the first interview (the first interview with уортингом) with jack. when jack propose (marriage) to gwendolen.and young people announce their engagement, lady bracknell's overwhelmed. in her view, engagement and marriage should be organized by the parents and be a surprise for the girls.besides, young people should be a list of eligible suitors, approved in the world. however, while jack and is not present in the list of lady bracknell agreed to preliminary inquiries about him.her questions to describe her as a member of society. social status and wealth matters a lot, so lady bracknell asks jack what he does.what is his profit and whether it has the urban and country houses. a question of style and prestige (fashion), too, is important: lady bracknell did not approve the house number of jack, because he is непристижной side of the street.the political views of the young person should be conservative. with regard to (as for) education, the views of lady bracknell's very conservative.education and knowledge are her memories to remind sb of (sh) of the age of enlightenment, the enlightenment and the french revolution that followed her, however she believes education is dangerous. when jack saidi don't know, she is satisfied with. finally, the question of the origin of a young man (family) is a vital issue for the representative of high society.lady bracknell wants to marry off his daughter to a good, preferably aristocratic family. when she finds out that jack was found in a garment bag in the storage station, she does not consent to the marriage.in future, lady bracknell had other qualities typical of high society. she not only possessed the idea (to be obsessed with sth) style and prestige, but also strict external appearances (to keep up appearances)that often leads to hypocrisy. for example, she argues that does not approve a marriage of convenience, but her own marriage, a marriage of convenience, because she didn't have the condition, when she married lord брэкнелла.
most of her hypocrisy is evident when she finds out about the engagement алджернона and cecily. at first, she did not approve of this engagement and to clarify the origin of cecily.however, after building a preliminary inquiries she changes his mind. addresses and names of trustees in matters of family and her confidence. but the factthat cecily large fortune there makes it a very attractive girl with ongoing (reliable) advantages. that's why lady bracknell graciously consented to the marriage. from her point of view.her nephew is a lot of (a) the groom, his white background compensates for the fact that he has nothing but debt and that, although he was badly in need of money, he's spending (reckless).she has nothing against (opposed to) his moral character: algernon came to jack's house without an invitation, under an assumed name and fooled everyone. in the case of jack it applies double standards. the factjack was adopted and raised by a respectable gentleman, he has a sense of duty and responsibility, he had a decent income and a house in london and the citycan compensate for the unknown (obscure) origin. that's why married gwendolen and jack can not be out of the question, while the origin of jack suddenly appears.
in the face (in the person of lady bracknell.wald made reactionary views, hypocrisy and admiration for fashion (obsession (fashion), a characteristic of london's high society.
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