есть много различных магазинов в которых продаются каки женские ,так и мужские вещи. заходя в любой магазин мы можем приобрести нужную нам вещь. например: платье, юбку,рубашку , кофту, футболку и много всего другого
There are many different shops selling women's and Kaki trousers stuff. by accessing any store we can acquire specific thing. for example: dress, skirt, shirt, jacket, t-shirt and much more
There are many different stores that sell Kaki women and men's things. entering into any store we can buy us the necessary thing. for example: dress, skirt, shirt, blouse, T-shirt and many other things
there are many shops which sell the same women, and men's things. into a shop we can buy the thing we. for example: dress, skirt, shirt, blouse, shirt and everything