1. На днях я попал под дождь, и мой костюм был совершенно испорчен.2.  перевод - 1. На днях я попал под дождь, и мой костюм был совершенно испорчен.2.  английский как сказать

1. На днях я попал под дождь, и мой

1. На днях я попал под дождь, и мой костюм был совершенно испорчен.
2. Его последний роман был написан 5 лет назад и опубликован в литературном журнале.
3. Позавчера на нашей улице произошел несчастный случай. Машина сбила велосипедиста, и пострадавший был доставлен в больницу с тяжелыми телесными повреждениями. Врачи сделали все возможное, чтобы спасти ему жизнь.
4. Когда Брауны летели в отпуск на Кипр, с ними случилось необычное происшествие. Их багаж поместили на другой самолет, и он был доставлен в Италию. К счастью, все закончилось благополучно. Багаж прибыл через несколько дней в полной сохранности.
5. Платья такого фасона носили 10 лет назад.
6. Кувшин упал и разбился на мелкие куски.
7. Оксфорд был основан в 12-м веке. Здесь учились многие знаменитые ученые и политические деятели.
8. Телефон был изобретен Александром Беллом в 1876 г. и с тех пор стал Неотъемлемой частью современной.
9. Эта проблема была решена несколько дней тому назад.
10. Великий английский художник Тернер был признан гением еще при жизни.
11. Его попросили сделать сверхурочную работу, но он отказался.
12. В период средневековья соборы строились очень медленно в течение многих лет (over many years).
13. Картофель и помидоры завезли в Европу из Америки.
14. Вчера меня разбудили в 7 часов утра, но я встал не сразу. Я еще полежал в постели около 20 минут.
15. Мои туфли починили на прошлой неделе. 16. Книги были возвращены в библиотеку вовремя. 17. Ребенка не ругали за то, что он пришел домой поздно. 18. Ему не разрешили принять участие в соревнованиях из-за слабого здоровья. 19. Участников делегации встретили очень тепло. Их разместили в хорошей гостинице и в течение недели показывали главные Достопримечательности города. 20. Америка была открыта Колумбом в 1492 году. 21. Никто не знает, когда кормили животных в последний раз. 22. Это здание было покрашено совсем недавно, и поэтому оно ВЫГЛЯДИТ совершенно новым. 23. Документы были найдены на улице и возвращены владельцу. 24. В прошлом году ему дали взаймы десять тысяч долларов, но он пока не вернул эти деньги. 25. Его отношение к друзьям шокировало меня. 26. Машину отремонтировали вчера, но, к сожалению, она по-прежнему работает не очень хорошо. 27. Недавно меня попросили помочь перевести статью из серьезного научного журнала. Я смогла это сделать без помощи словаря. 28. Я позвонила Джону, чтобы извиниться за то, что произошло накануне, но нас прервали прежде, чем разговор был закончен. 29. Сначала миссис Браун казалась очень дружелюбной, на ее лице всегда была приятная улыбка, но, когда ее повысили в должности, она перестала нас замечать. 30. В прошлом году мистера Ригли часто приглашали для участия в республиканских научных конференциях. Его рекомендации, как правило, принимались во внимание. 31. Фильм Титаник» был снят несколько лет назад, но и сейчас он остается одним из самых популярных фильмов. 32. Основная часть доклада профессора Лейтона была посвящена анализу международной обстановки.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. The other day I was hit by rain, and my costume was absolutely spoiled.2. His latest novel was written 5 years ago and published in the literary journal.3. The day on our street had an accident. The machine was hit by a cyclist, and the victim was taken to hospital with serious injuries. The doctors did everything possible to save his life.4. When the Browns flew to leave Cyprus, happened to them an unusual incident. Their luggage was put on another plane, and he was taken to Italy. Fortunately, everything ended well. Luggage arrived a few days later in full safety.5. such Dresses style wore 10 years ago.6. jug fell and crashed into small pieces. 7. Oxford was founded in the 12nd century. Here studied many famous scientists and politicians.8. Telephone was invented by Alexander Bell in 1876, and since then has become an integral part of modern.9. This problem was solved several weeks ago.10. The great English artist Turner was recognized as a genius during his life. 11. It was asked to do overtime, but he refused. 12. between medieval cathedrals were built very slowly over many years (over many years). 13. Potatoes and tomatoes were brought to Europe from America.14. Today I woke up at 7:00 in the morning, but I got up immediately. I still lay in bed for about 20 minutes.15. My shoes repaired last week. 16. The books were returned to the library on time. 17. The child is not scolded for what he came home late. 18. He was not allowed to participate in competitions due to poor health. 19. The members of the delegation were greeted very warmly. They were placed in a good hotel and during the week showed the main attractions of the city. 20. America was discovered by Columbus in the year 1492. 21. no one knows when fed animals for the last time. 22. the building was painted recently and so it LOOKS brand new. 23. the documents were found on the street and returned to the owner. 24. in the past year, he had borrowed ten thousand dollars, but he has not yet returned the money. 25. His friends shocked me. 26. The car repaired yesterday, but, unfortunately, it still doesn't work very well. 27. recently, I was asked to help translate the article from serious scientific journal. I was able to do this without the aid of a dictionary. 28. I called John to apologize for what happened the night before, but we were interrupted before the conversation was over. 29. First, Mrs Brown seemed very friendly, on her face always had a nice smile, but when it increased in the post, she stopped to notice us. 30. in the past year, Mr. Wrigley was often invited to participate in national scientific conferences. Its recommendations are usually taken into account. 31. The movie Titanic was filmed a few years ago, but now it remains one of the most popular films. 32. The main part of the report of Professor Layton was devoted to the analysis of the international situation.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. The other day I was in the rain, and my suit was completely spoiled.
2. His last novel was written 5 years ago and published in a literary journal.
3. The day before yesterday on our street there was an accident. The car was hit by a cyclist, and the victim was taken to hospital with serious injuries. The doctors did everything possible to save his life.
4. When the Browns flew to Cyprus on holiday, with unusual incident happened to them. Their luggage was put on another plane, and he was taken to Italy. Fortunately, everything ended well. Luggage arrived a few days in complete safety.
5. Dresses of this style were 10 years ago.
6. The pitcher fell and broke into small pieces.
7. Oxford was founded in the 12th century. It taught many famous scientists and politicians.
8. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, and has since become an integral part of the modern.
9. This problem was solved a few days ago.
10. The great English painter Turner was recognized as a genius during his lifetime.
11. He was asked to do overtime, but he refused.
12. During medieval cathedrals were built very slowly over many years (over many years).
13. Potatoes and tomatoes were brought to Europe from America.
14. Yesterday I woke up at 7 am, but I got up at once. I still lay in bed for about 20 minutes.
15. My shoes repaired last week. 16. The books were returned to the library on time. 17. The child is not blamed for the fact that he came home late. 18. He was not allowed to take part in competitions because of poor health. 19. Members of the delegation met very warmly. They were placed in a good hotel and within a week showed the main attractions of the city. 20. America was discovered by Columbus in 1492. 21. No one knows when the animals were fed for the last time. 22. This building was recently painted, and so it looks brand new. 23. The documents were found on the street and returned to the owner. 24. Last year, he was given a loan of ten thousand dollars, but he has not returned the money. 25. His attitude to friends shocked me. 26. The car was repaired yesterday, but, unfortunately, it still does not work very well. 27. Recently, I was asked to help translate an article from a serious scientific journal. I was able to do it without the help of a dictionary. 28. I called John to apologize for what happened the day before, but we were interrupted before the conversation was over. 29. First, Mrs. Brown seemed very friendly, her face was always a nice smile, but when she was promoted to the post, she stopped us noticing. 30. In the past year, Mr. Wrigley was often invited to participate in national conferences. His recommendations are generally taken into account. 31. The film Titanic "was filmed a few years ago, but today it remains one of the most popular films. 32. The bulk of the report, Professor Layton has been devoted to the analysis of the international situation.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. the other day i was in the rain, and my costume was completely ruined.
2. his latest novel was written five years ago and was published in the literary magazine.
3. the day before yesterday on the street had an accident.the car hit a cyclist, and the victim was rushed to the hospital with severe injuries. the doctors did everything possible to save his life.
4. when брауны were on holiday in cyprus.happened to them, an unusual occurrence. their luggage put on another plane, and he was transferred to italy. fortunately, everything ended well. the baggage arrived a few days later, in the fully intact.
5.the dress of this style were 10 years ago.
6. jug fell and smashed to pieces.
7. oxford was founded in the 12th century. there were a lot of famous scientists and politicians.
8.the telephone was invented by alexander bell in 1876. and has since become an integral part of the modern.
9. this problem was resolved a few days ago. - 10.great english painter turner was considered a genius in their lives.
11. they asked him to do overtime work, but he refused.
12.during the period of medieval cathedrals were built slowly over many years (over the years).
13. potatoes and tomatoes were brought to europe from america.
14. yesterday i woke up at 7 o'clock in the morning, but i'm right.i lay in bed for about 20 minutes.
15. my shoes repaired last week. 16. the books were returned to the library on time. 17. don't let the child for what he came home late. 18.he was not allowed to take part in the competition because of poor health. 19. participating delegations met very warm.put them in a good hotel and during the week before the main tourist attractions of the city. 20. america was discovered by columbus in 1492. 21. no one knows when to feed the animals in the last time. 22.this building was john recently and it looks brand new. 23. the documents were found in the street and returned to the owner. 24. last year, he gave a loan of ten thousand dollarsbut he hasn't got the money. 25. his attitude towards friends shocked me. 26. the car repaired yesterday, but, unfortunately, it still doesn't work out very well. 27.recently, i was asked to help translate the article from serious scientific journal. i was able to do it without the help of a dictionary. 28. i called john to apologize for what happened yesterday, but we were interrupted beforethe conversation was over. 29. at first, mrs. brown looked very friendly, always has a nice smile on her face, but when she got a promotion, she stopped us to notice. 30.last year, mr. wrigley has often been invited to participate in the national scientific conferences. its recommendations, as a rule, are taken into account. 31. the movie titanic was withdrawn a few years ago.but now, he remains one of the most popular films. 32. the main part of the report of professor layton was devoted to the analysis of the international situation.
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