Osborne 1 поставлялся с предустановленной операционной системой Osborn перевод - Osborne 1 поставлялся с предустановленной операционной системой Osborn английский как сказать

Osborne 1 поставлялся с предустанов

Osborne 1 поставлялся с предустановленной операционной системой Osborne System One и набором программного обеспечения: текстовым процессором WordStar, редактором электронных таблиц SuperCalc, системой управления базами данных dBase II и двумя версиями языка программирования BASIC. Портативный компьютер имел автономную систему питания, весил одиннадцать килограммов и предлагался потенциальным покупателям за 1800 долларов. Ноутбук имел процессор Zilog Z80, работавший на тактовой частоте 4 мегагерца, оснащался 64 килобайтами оперативной памяти, последовательным и параллельным портами. Встроенный монохромный ЭЛТ-дисплей поддерживал только текстовый режим, отображая при работе 24 строки по 52 символа в каждой. Размер экрана равнялся пяти дюймам, что было обусловлено технологической невозможностью обеспечить автономную работу для дисплеев больших размеров. Дисковая система компьютера состояла из двух «флоповодов», позволявших работать с пятидюймовыми дискетами емкостью 91 или 182 килобайта. Под каждым из накопителей располагался отсек, предназначенный для установки дополнительных устройств, например модема. Корпус компьютера был компактным (примерно с чемодан), клавиатура-откидная, оснащенная 69 клавишами.
Спрос на первые ноутбуки оказался настолько высок, что компания Адама Осборна стала самой быстрорастущей в Силиконовой Долине. Osborne Computer Corporation продавала до десяти тысяч экземпляров Osborne 1 ежемесячно. Но вскоре компания, из-за допущенных маркетинговых ошибок разорилась. Необходимо отметить, что впоследствии Compaq, IBM и другие производители компьютерной техники во многом повторяли удачную конструкцию Адама Осборна.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The Osborne 1 was shipped with preinstalled operating system System One set Osborne software: WordStar word processor, SuperCalc spreadsheet editor, database management system, dBase II, and two versions of the BASIC programming language. Portable computer power to system, weighed eleven kilograms and was offered to potential buyers for 1800 dollars. The laptop had a Zilog Z80 processor, running at 4 megahertz, equipped with 64 kilobytes of RAM, serial and parallel ports. A built-in monochrome CRT display supported only text mode, displaying work 24 rows 52 characters in each. Screen size was five inches, owing to technological inability to work offline for large sizes. Computer disk system consisted of two "flopovodov", allowing to work with pjatidjujmovymi disks with a capacity of 91 or 182 Kbytes. Under each drive Bay was designed to install additional devices such as a modem. The computer case was compact (approximately a suitcase), folding keyboard with 69 keys.Demand for the first laptops has been so high that the company of Adam Osborne became the fastest growing Silicon Valley. Osborne Computer Corporation sold 10,000 copies of the Osborne 1 monthly. But soon the company, because of marketing mistakes went bankrupt. It should be noted that, subsequently, Compaq, IBM and other manufacturers of computer equipment, largely repeated the successful design of Adam Osborne.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Osborne 1 came with a preinstalled operating system and Osborne System One set of software: word processor WordStar, editor SuperCalc spreadsheets, database management system, dBase II, and the two versions of the BASIC programming language. The laptop has an autonomous power supply system, he weighed eleven kilograms and offers potential customers for $ 1,800. The laptop has a processor Zilog Z80, clocked at 4 megahertz, was equipped with 64 kilobytes of memory, serial and parallel ports. Built monochrome CRT display only supports text mode, displaying at the 24 lines of 52 characters each. Screen size is five inches, which it was due to the inability to provide the technology to operate autonomously for displays larger. Disc computer system consisted of two "flopovodov", allows you to work with five-inch floppy disks 91 or 182 kilobytes. Under each of the storage compartment is located, designed for the installation of additional devices, such as a modem. Computer case was compact (about a suitcase), keyboard-hinged, equipped with 69 keys.
Demand for the first laptops was so high that the company Adam Osborne was the fastest growing in the Silicon Valley. Osborne Computer Corporation has sold ten thousand copies of the Osborne 1 month. But soon the company, because of errors committed by the marketing ruined. It should be noted that the subsequently Compaq,
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
osborne 1 поставлялся with pre installed operating system osborne system one and set of software: a text processor WordStar, editor SuperCalc electronic spreadsheets, database management system dBase ii and two versions of the programming language basic. a portable computer has an autonomous power system weighed 11 pounds and was a potential buyers for $1800. the laptop had processor Zilog Z80, who worked at a frequency of 4 мегагерца, оснащался 64 килобайтами memory, serial and parallel ports. a monochrome crt display supported only the text mode, displaying in the 24 lines on 52 characters each. the size of the screen was a five inch, due to technological failure to ensure the autonomous work for large size displays. the disk computer system consisted of two "флоповодов», about working with пятидюймовыми diskettes of 91 or 182 baslc. under each of the hdd bay was designed for the installation of additional devices such as a modem. the computer was a compact (about the case, the keyboard is a keyboard equipped with 69.the demand for the first laptops has been so high that adam osborne became the fastest growing company in silicon valley. osborne computer corporation sold 10000 copies of the osborne 1 month. but soon the company, because of the failure of marketing mistakes broke. it should be noted that later compaq, ibm, and other manufacturers of computer technology greatly gave a construction of adam osborne.
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