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русский) 1:
АУДИТ Auditors are accountants who review financial statements, and their responsibility is to verify the accuracy of company reporting. Internal auditorsGthose who are hired by and work within the company itself2help identify accounting weaknesses and correct them before significant errors occur. They are often systems-oriented people who make flowcharts of accounting systems and evaluate these flowcharts to suggest improvements in division of labor, paper flow, cash control, or other accounting responsibilities. They usually work under the company's treasurer or controller, who can thus provide a check and balance on the accounting department. Independent auditors are hired by a company's board of directors to represent the stockholders by reviewing financial statements, in order to reassure outsiders that annual reports are fair representations of the financial position of the company. The independent auditor issues an opinion whose wording is standardized so that readers can easily identify what it implies. The standard "clean opinion' reads as follows: In our opinion, the financial statements G present fairly the position of XYZ Corporation as of Dec. 31. 19XX. and the results of its operations and the changes in its financial position for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Any other wording in an opinion probably indicates trouble. Independent auditors may qualify their opinion with a paragraph describing some variance they found. An opinion may also be disclaimed, if the auditor finds some reason that prevents him or her from completing an audit. Finally, and rarely, an opinion can state that the financial statements do not fairly represent the company's actual financial situation. The notion of "materiality0what kind of information is relevant and necessary, and what data can be omitted because it is "immaterial- to a reporting functionGis central to the profession of accounting. To a bookkeeper, even a few cents *out of balance" constitutes a material misstatement. However, the accountant's reports contain rounded figures, and reflect judgments about what kinds of depreciation and other data should be included. To the auditor, whose certification will be based on reports involving rounded thousands, or even millions, of dollars, a number may not be 'Materially misstated if it can be proved to within 5%. Thus, at each reporting level, the accuracy required to present fairly the company's financial position changes. DEVELOPMENT OF ACCOUNTING Historians generally credit 14th-century Italian merchants with developing the practice of double-entry bookkeeping, which is the basis for modern-day accounting. The method was invented when investors sought a way of recording the financial aspects of ventures that might last for months, or even years (the commissioning of a merchant fleet, for example), and in which many investors had bought shares. The Italian system resembled its modern counterpart. The balance sheet had two sections: one listed assets and the effect of sales, purchases. and investments on assets; the other recorded Shares and shareholders, along with other liabilities incurred. Thus, Owners who had bought shares from the original shareholders, or who had inherited them, could claim their proportion of the profits when and if the venture succeeded.
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