Но вот однажды в дверь к Алхимику постучали. Алхимик торопливо спрятал перевод - Но вот однажды в дверь к Алхимику постучали. Алхимик торопливо спрятал английский как сказать

Но вот однажды в дверь к Алхимику п

Но вот однажды в дверь к Алхимику постучали. Алхимик торопливо спрятал тайную тетрадь. Удивленный Алхимик поспешно открыл дверь. На пороге стоял знакомый всей округе почтальон с букетом роз в руках. Растерявшийся Алхимик расписался и переспросил почтальона, не ошибся ли он. Но почтальон сказал ему, что это не ошибка. Растерявшийся Алхимик вернулся в комнату и долго гадал, как и откуда был ему прислан столь странный подарок. Он был очень малообщительным человеком, у него почти не было друзей. И вазы специальной у него нет. Наконец он нашел какую-то древнюю банку. Он поставил цветы на подоконник, а сам сел рядышком. А цветы были действительно прекрасны. Алхимик невольно залюбовался цветами. День шел, за окном темнело, и казалось, что розы танцевали какой-то медленный танец. Так и просидел весь вечер Алхимик у букета роз. Он не заметил, как уснул.
Утром розы потускнели. Алхимик поспешил к своим растворам, но остановился... Весь день он был около роз. Менял воду, опрыскивал их лепестки и даже пел им песни... И розы ожили. Особенно прекрасны они были вечером, на закате — они словно вспыхнули и ярком пламени своего медленного танца... Жизнь вернулась. А на следующее утро Алхимик заметил, что розы немного подросли...
Прошла неделя, другая, прошел год... Алхимик все так же бережно ухаживал за цветами, и они отвечали ему какими-то новыми оттенками своих красок.За год букет превратился в пышный розовый куст, который занимал теперь весь подоконник. Но самое странное произошло с самим Алхимиком. Он стал приветливее, все чаще его лицо озарялось улыбкой, а запавшие было морщинки совсем исчезли. Он нашел свой эликсир.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
But once the door to knock Alchemist. Alchemist hurriedly hid a secret notebook. Surprised Alchemist hurriedly opened the door. Standing on the threshold of a familiar all over the neighbourhood postman with a bouquet of roses in his hands. Rasterâvšijsâ Alchemist signed and asked postman if he was not mistaken. But the postman told him that this is not an error. Rasterâvšijsâ Alchemist returned to the room and long wondered how and from where was it sent such a strange gift. He was a very maloobŝitel′nym person, he has almost no friends. And a special vase. Finally he found some ancient Bank. He put flowers on the windowsill and sat side by side. And the flowers were really beautiful. Alchemists unwittingly zalûbovalsâ flowers. The day was coming, it was getting dark outside the window, and it seemed that the roses were dancing some slow dance. And spent the entire evening at the Alchemist bouquet of roses. He didn't notice as he fell asleep. In the morning the Rose has faded. Alchemist hurried to their solutions, but stopped ... All day it was about roses. Changed the water, opryskival their petals and even sang them songs. And rose came alive. Especially in the evening, they were beautiful at sunset — if they broke out and a bright flame of its slow dance ... Life has returned. The next morning the Alchemist noticed that rose a bit grown up. Last week, another year has passed ... Alchemist still carefully nursed the flowers, and they answered him, some new shades of its paints. Per year bouquet turned into lush Rosebush, who was now the whole windowsill. But the strangest thing happened with the Alchemist. He became more friendly, more often his face was lit by a smile, and sunken was wrinkles disappeared completely. He found its Elixir.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
But once the door to knock Alchemist. Alchemist hurriedly hid a secret notebook. Surprised Alchemist hastily opened the door. On the threshold stood a familiar throughout the district postman with a bouquet of roses in hands. The confused Alchemist signed and the postman asked him if he made ​​a mistake. But the postman told him it was not a mistake. The confused Alchemist returned to the room for a long time wondered how and where it was sent so strange gift. He was very unsociable man, he had almost no friends. And a special vase had not. Finally he found some ancient jar. He put the flowers on the windowsill, and sat side by side. And the flowers were really beautiful. Alchemist involuntarily admiring flowers. The day came, it was getting dark outside, and it seemed that Rose danced some slow dance. So I spent the whole evening at the Alchemist bouquet of roses. He did not notice how he fell asleep.
In the morning faded rose. Alchemist hurried to their solutions, but stopped ... The whole day was about roses. Change the water, he sprinkled their petals, and even sang their songs ... and the rose alive. Especially beautiful it was in the evening, at sunset - they seem bright flame flashed and his slow dance ... Life returned. The next morning the Alchemist saw that rose a little grown up ...
A week passed, another year has passed ... Alchemist still takes care of flowers, and they answered him with some new shades of their krasok.Za year turned into a bouquet lush rose bush, which is now occupied all the windowsill. But the strangest thing happened with the Alchemist himself. He became friendlier, more and more of his face shone with a smile, and was sunken wrinkles disappear altogether. He found his elixir.
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