1. Раньше мой дедушка охотился на оленей и диких птиц. 2. Дети любят п перевод - 1. Раньше мой дедушка охотился на оленей и диких птиц. 2. Дети любят п английский как сказать

1. Раньше мой дедушка охотился на о

1. Раньше мой дедушка охотился на оленей и диких птиц. 2. Дети любят проводить много времени в зоопарках. 3. Мы почувствовали облегчение, когда комаров нигде не было видно. 4. Мы должны научиться понимать людей, чьи убеждения отличны от наших. 5. Недавно на этой дороге произошла серия несчастных случаев. 6. Электронная почта становится все более и более важным средством бизнес коммуникации. 7. Овцы паслись на пастбище. 8. Вот деньги, которые должны храниться в сейфах этого банка. 9. В Австралии можно увидеть много кенгуру. 10. Вчера в магазине я увидела много красивых носовых платков. 11. Вчера Ронни поймал три большие рыбы. 12. Фрукты здесь очень дорогие. 13. Когда я смогу насладиться плодами своего труда? 14. Джек выращивает различные фрукты и овощи в саду. 15. Очень часто родители передают болезни своим потомкам. 16. Цементный завод был закрыт в прошлом году. 17. В нашем городе на каждом перекрестке есть светофор. 18. Джек увеличил скорость, видя впереди перекресток. 19. Ученые обнаружили новый вид эвкалиптового дерева. 20. На острове живут более сорока видов птиц. 21. Я никогда не буду терпеть мышей в своем доме. 22. Снег и сильный ветер - обычные явления зимой. 23. Кактусы – мои любимые растения. 24. В конце книг есть алфавитные указатели. 25. Бледный цвет лица и отсутствие аппетита – признаки плохого здоровья. 26. Кристине и Джону пришлось ехать в больницу для удаления аппендикса. 27. В конце книги было много приложений. 28. Он начал собирать информацию для написания серии статей по данной теме. 29. На дорогах было интенсивное движение. 30. Вскоре мы услышали чей-то голос и побежали в лес. 31. Ее дом сделан из дерева. 32. На завтрак я скушал тост с джемом. 32. Я бы хотел предложить тост за жениха и невесту. 33. В этой книге много советов по уходу за ребенком. 34. Мы всегда получаем много домашнего задания по английскому. 35. Его словарный запас был богатым, а знание грамматики – превосходным. 36. Они выходят на прогулку в любую погоду. 37. Я не люблю ездить на работу на велосипеде в дождливую погоду. 38. Не
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Before my grandfather hunted deer and wild birds. 2. Kids love to spend a lot of time in zoos. 3. We felt relieved when the mosquitoes are nowhere to be seen. 4. We must learn to understand people whose beliefs are different from ours. 5. recently, there have been on this road accidents. 6. Email is becoming more and more important means of business communication. 7. sheep grazed on pasture. 8. Here is the money that must be deposited in the vaults of the Bank. 9. in Australia, you can see a lot of kangaroos. 10. Today in the store I saw a lot of beautiful handkerchiefs. 11. Today Ronnie caught three large fish. 12. Fruit here are very expensive. 13. When will I be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor? 14. Jack grows a variety of fruits and vegetables in the garden. 15. Very often the parents have passed on the disease to their offspring. 16. Cement plant was closed last year. 17. In our city on each intersection there is a traffic light. 18. the increased speed, seeing ahead of crossroads. 19. Scientists have discovered a new species of eucalyptus tree. 20. living on the island for more than 40 species of birds. 21. I will never tolerate the mice in my house. 22. Snow and strong wind are common phenomena in the winter. 23. Cacti are my favorite plants. 24. At the end of the book there are alphabetical indexes. 25. A pale complexion and lack of appetite-signs of ill health. 26. Kristine and John had to go to the hospital to remove the Appendix. 27. At the end of the book had many applications. 28. He started to gather information to write a series of articles on the topic. 29. On the roads was heavy traffic. 30. Soon we heard someone's voice and ran into the forest. 31. Her House is made of wood. 32. at breakfast I Lake toast with jam. 32. I would like to propose a toast to the bride and groom. 33. In this book a lot of advice on child care. 34. We always get a lot of homework on English. 35. his vocabulary was rich, and the grammar is superb. 36. They go for a walk in any weather. 37. I don't like to go to work by bike in rainy weather. 38. do not
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Before my grandfather hunted deer and wild birds. 2. Children love to spend a lot of time in zoos. 3. We were relieved when the mosquitoes were nowhere to be seen. 4. We must learn to understand the people whose beliefs are different from ours. 5. Recently, a series of road accidents. 6. E-mail is becoming an increasingly important means of business communication. 7. Sheep grazing in the pasture. 8. That is money that should be kept in the vaults of the bank. 9. In Australia, you can see a lot of kangaroos. 10. Yesterday in the store, I saw a lot of beautiful handkerchiefs. 11. Yesterday Ronnie caught three large fish. 12. Fruit is very expensive. 13. When can I enjoy the fruits of their labor? 14. Jack grows a variety of fruits and vegetables in the garden. 15. Very often, parents pass on the disease to their offspring. 16. The cement factory has been closed in the past year. 17. In our city on every street corner there is a traffic light. 18. Jack up speed, seeing the intersection ahead. 19. Scientists have discovered a new species of eucalyptus tree. 20. On the island live more than forty species of birds. 21. I will never tolerate mice in his house. 22. Snow and strong winds - a common phenomenon in the winter. 23. Cactus - my favorite plant. 24. At the end of the book there is an index. 25. Pale complexion and lack of appetite - signs of ill health. 26. Christine and John had to go to the hospital to remove the appendix. 27. At the end of the book had a lot of applications. 28. He began to collect information for writing a series of articles on this topic. 29. was heavy traffic on the roads. 30. Soon we heard a voice, and ran into the woods. 31. Her house is made of wood. 32. For breakfast, I ate toast with jam. 32. I would like to propose a toast to the bride and groom. 33. In this book, a lot of advice on child care. 34. We always get a lot of homework in English. 35. His was a rich vocabulary, grammar and knowledge - excellent. 36. They go for a walk in any weather. 37. I do not like to go to work on the bike in the rain. 38. Do not
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. before my grandfather hunted deer and wild birds. 2. children love to spend a lot of time in zoos. 3. we felt relieved when mosquitoes was nowhere to be seen. 4. we must learn to understand people whose beliefs are different from ours. 5. recently, a series of accidents on this road. 6. e-mail is becoming more and more important means of business communication. 7. sheep grazed on pasture. 8. here is the money that should be kept in the vaults of the bank. 9. in australia you can see a lot of the kangaroo. 10. yesterday in the shop, i saw a lot of beautiful handkerchiefs. 11. yesterday, ronnie got three big fish. 12. the fruit here is very expensive. 13. when can i enjoy the fruits of your labor? 14. jack produces various fruits and vegetables in the garden. 15. very often the parents pass on the disease to their offspring. 16. the cement factory was closed last year. 17. in our city at every intersection is a traffic light. 18. jack has increased the speed of seeing ahead of the intersection. 19. scientists have discovered a new species of eucalyptus tree. 20. the island is inhabited by more than 40 species of birds. 21. i will never tolerate the mice in his house. 22. snow and strong winds are common occurrences in winter. 23. cacti are my favorite plants. 24. at the end of books have alphabetic signs. 25. pale complexion and lack of appetite, signs of ill health. 26. christina and john had to go to the hospital for removal of the appendix. 27. at the end of the book has a lot of applications. 28. he started to collect information for writing a series of articles on the topic. 29. on the road has been a significant movement. 30. we soon hear somebody's voice and ran into the woods. 31. her house is made of wood. 32. for breakfast i ate the toast with jam. 32. i'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom. 33. in this book, a lot of advice on child care. 34. we always have a lot of homework for english. 35. his vocabulary is rich, and the knowledge of grammar is excellent. 36. they went for a walk in any weather. 37
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