— Это она? — спросила Джой.— Да, — ответил Рик. Его светлые волосы осв перевод - — Это она? — спросила Джой.— Да, — ответил Рик. Его светлые волосы осв английский как сказать

— Это она? — спросила Джой.— Да, —

— Это она? — спросила Джой.

— Да, — ответил Рик. Его светлые волосы осветила луна. — Она самая. Хижина с призраками.

Джой внимательно посмотрела на низкое бревенчатое строение, и ей внезапно стало зябко.

— Нет там никаких призраков, — жалобно сказала она. — Ты просто пугаешь меня. Ты так любишь меня пугать.

— Клянусь, говорю чистую правду, — торжественно произнёс Рик, но в его глазах она заметила лукавство. — Ты знаешь, почему эту ночь называют самой шумной ночью сентября?

— Нет.

— Так я тебе расскажу. Это было двадцать лет назад. Тогда эта хижина была совсем новенькой. Здесь обычно останавливались охотники, которые собирались идти на дичь в окрестных лесах. А ещё это место любили молодые парочки вроде нас. Они назначали на этой поляне ночные свидания. Говорят, эта невзрачная хибарка видала много поцелуев. Ну и кое-чего поинтереснее тоже, — Рик хихикнул.

— Перестань, — одёрнула его Джой. — И что же случилось?

— Одним не очень хорошим сентябрьским утром всё это кончилось, потому что в хижине нашли тело молодой девушки. Она была убита, причём крайне жестоким образом. Её изнасиловали, отрезали кисти рук и стопы, а потом и вовсе выпотрошили живот. Она истекла кровью.

Джой похолодела с головы до ног:

— Какой ужас! Зачем ты это мне рассказываешь?

— Ну, так гласит история, — Рик пожал плечами. — Убийцу, кстати, так и не нашли. Но говорят, что с тех пор каждый год в ту самую ночь, когда произошло это жуткое преступление, из этой хижины доносятся крики умирающей девушки. Потому-то и прозвали эту ночь самой шумной ночью сентября.

— Ты всё это только что выдумал.

— Вовсе нет. Неужели ты не слышала эту легенду? В нашем городке все о ней знают.

— Нет, не слышала, — Джой отвернулась от страшной хижины. — Рик, давай уйдём отсюда, вернёмся в город. Если бы ты сразу сказал мне, зачем позвал меня сюда, я бы ни за что не согласилась прийти.

— Брось, это же интересно! Давай пойдём в хижину, пощекочем нервы. В ней давно никто не бывал.

— Что там может быть интересного? — возмутилась Джой. — А если та бедная убитая девушка опять начнёт кричать? Я не хочу даже думать об этом!

— Но это всего лишь страшная легенда. Ты же не веришь в эти россказни? Может, кого-то тут и правда убили, но чтобы жертва кричала каждый год в одну и ту же ночь?.. Враки. Пойдём!

Он схватил Джой за запястье, но она вырвалась:

— Рик, ну не надо. Мне страшно.

— Страшно, а ещё интересно, держу пари.

— Ни капли. Здесь просто жутко.

— Ну, как знаешь, — он махнул рукой. — Я-то в любом разе собираюсь войти в эту хижину, раз уж пришёл в такую даль. А ты, если хочешь, может остаться тут одна…

— Нет! — воскликнула Джой в отчаянии, представив, каково ей будет, когда она будет стоять без спутника на этой мрачной опушке. — Ну ладно, я пойду с тобой. Но не вздумай меня пугать, я и так на пределе. Хорошо?

— Хорошо, — с подозрительной лёгкостью согласился Рик.

Они медленно пошли к хижине — Джой была так напряжена, что еле переставляла непослушные ноги. Вблизи строение выглядело внушительнее, чем казалось издалека. Брёвна стен почернели от времени. В хижине было одно окошко рядом с дверью — Джой не отводила от него взгляда.

— Рик, ну давай вернёмся, — простонала она в напрасной надежде.

— Да не бойся ты, — он бодро взялся за ручку двери и потянул на себя. Ржавые петли повернулись с душераздирающим скрипом. Джой едва не вскрикнула.

Рик просунул голову в проём двери:

— Эй! Есть тут кто-нибудь? У вас гости!

— Прекрати!

— Хм-м, а тут довольно уютно, — сказал Рик. — Всё очень неплохо сохранилось. Столик, стулья… Глянь, вон деревянный топчан в углу. Говорят, на ней и обнаружили девушку. Ну, то, что от неё осталось…

Он церемонно распахнул перед ней дверь. Дрожа всем телом, Джой всё же сделала усилие и дошла до порога. Лунный свет освещал небогатое убранство хижины. И правда, тут был и стол, и топчан. Джой тут же показалось, что на топчане видны безобразные тёмные пятна, но это наверняка игра её воображения…

— Сюрприз! — Рик толкнул её в спину. Чтобы не упасть, Джой машинально сделала два шага вперёд, оказавшись в хижине. Дверь тут же захлопнулась за её спиной с умирающим криком. Тьма сомкнулась вокруг неё.

— Рик! — она панически обернулась и толкнула дверь. Она не поддавалась.

— Что за шуточки? Рик, выпусти меня, мне страшно!

Он не отвечал. Джой забарабанила по шероховатому дереву руками:

— Рик, прошу тебя!

Тишина. Джой подумала, что сейчас умрёт от страха. На глазах выступили слёзы, и она закусила губу, чтобы не зарыдать. Нет, Рик не может поступить с ней так жестоко! Пускай она всегда терпела его глупые и жестокие шуточки, но на этот раз всё зашло слишком далеко!

— Рик, если ты сейчас же не выпустишь меня… — она осеклась.


Нет, этого не может быть. Глупая страшилка. Никто здесь не умирал.


Она здесь одна. Нет тут никого, кроме Рика, который подпёр спиной дверь и заходится в своём дурацком беззвучном хохоте. Это всего лишь старая пуста
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Is she? Joy asked."Yes," replied Rick. His blonde hair covered the moon. Is It the most. Hut with ghosts.Joey carefully looked at the low wooden structure, and it suddenly became chilly.Is there no ghosts — piteously "she said. — You're just pugaeš′ me. Are you so love me scare.-I swear, say pure truth, is solemnly delivered NEC, but in his eyes she noticed his slyness. -Do you know why this night is called the most noisy in the night of September?-No.— So I'll tell you. It was twenty years ago. This hut was quite new. Here usually stopped hunters who were planning to go to the game in the surrounding woods. And this place is loved by young couples like us. They appointed this Glade night visits. Say, this inconspicuous bothy Vidal many kisses. Oh and something interesting too, as Rick giggled.— Stop — odërnula his Joy. -And what happened?One not very good September morning it all ended, because in a hut found the body of a young girl. She was killed, and extremely brutal manner. Her raped, cut off the hands and feet, and then completely eviscerated bellies. It expired blood.Joey poholodela from head to toe:-What a mess! Why are you telling me?— Well, so the story goes, as Rick shrugged. — By the way, the Killer was never found. But they say that every year since in the night, when there was this eerie crime from the hut to hear the screams of the dying girl. Because something called this night the noisy night in September.You all just invented.— Not at all. Don't you hear this legend? In our town all about it know.— No, not heard, as Joey turned away from terrible huts. — Rick, let's go out of here back to the city. If you told me right away why called me here, I would have never agreed to come.-Knock it off, it's interesting! Let's go into the hut, poŝekočem nerves. It has long been none.— That there may be interesting? — Joy flew into a rage. — And if that poor girl murdered again begins to scream? I don't want to even think about it!But it's just a terrible legend. You do not believe in these things? Maybe someone here really killed, but that the victim screaming every year on the same night? Vraka. Let's go!He grabbed the Joy for the wrist, but she pulled away:— Rick, well it is not necessary. Scared me.Is scary and exciting, I bet.— Nary. Here is just creepy.-Well, as you know, he waved. — I somehow in any case going to enter in this hut, once came to such a distance. And you, if you want to, can remain there one ...— No! — Joy exclaimed in despair, what it will be, when it will stand without a companion on this grim edge. -Okay, I'll go with you. But don't even think of me scaring me and so on. Ok?— Well — with suspicious ease agreed Rick.They slowly walked to the hut as Joey was so tense that barely perestavlâla naughty feet. Near structure looks larger than it seemed from afar. The walls are blackened logs from time to time. In the hut had one window next to the door is a Joy not relegated from it.— Rick, come on back — she moaned in vain hope.Yes fear not thou, he cheerfully took on the door handle and pulled on itself. Rusty hinge turned with a scratch. Joey almost screamed.Rick shoved his head into the opening doors:-Hey! Is there anyone here? You have guests!— Stop!-Hmmmm, and quite comfortable here, "said Rick. Everything is very well preserved. Table, chairs ... Look over a wooden chair in the corner. Say it and found the girl. Well, what of it left ...He opened ceremonno in front of her door. Shivering all over with Joy, yet made the effort to reach the threshold. The Moonlight illuminated decoration nebogatoe huts. And the truth is, there was a table and Chair. Joey immediately thought that couch visible ugly dark spots, but it's certainly playing her imagination ...— Surprise! — Rick pushed her in the back. Not to fall, joy mechanically made two steps forward in the hut. The door immediately slammed shut behind her back with a dying scream. Darkness closing in around her.— Rick! She has turned and pushed the door. She was not resisting.Is That for jokes? Rick, release me, scared me!He did not answer. Joey zabarabanila on šerohovatomu tree of hands:— Rick, I beg you!Silence. Joey thought now die from fear. Eyes were made by tears, and she bit her lip, not to cry. No, Rick cannot proceed with her so badly! Let it always has its stupid and cruel jokes, but this time everything has gone too far!— Rick, if you're not now release me ... is it oseklas′.At the rear.No, this cannot be. Stupid intimidate people:. No one here is not dying.Obernis.She is here alone. There is nobody but Rick, who podpër back door and worries his wackiest silent laughter. It's just an old empty
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
- That's her? - Joey asked.

- Yes, - said Rick. His blond hair lit moon. - She is. . Cabin with ghosts

Joey looked at low log structure, and it was suddenly chilly.

- No there are no ghosts - she said plaintively. - You're just trying to scare me. You scare me because you love.

- I swear, I tell the truth, - said solemnly Rick, but in his eyes she saw duplicity. - Do you know why this night is called the noisiest night of September?

- No.

- So I'll tell you. That was twenty years ago. Then the hut was quite new. It usually stops the hunters, who were going to go to the game in the surrounding woods. And yet this place is loved young couples like us. They are appointed to this glade night rendezvous. They say, this homely shanty seen a lot of kisses. And something interesting too - Rick chuckled.

- Come on, - odёrnula its Joy. - What happened?

- One is not very good September morning, everything is over, because the cabin found the body of a young girl. She was killed, with an extremely brutal manner. She was raped, cut off the hands and feet, and then completely gutted belly. She bled to death.

Joy went cold from head to toe:

- What a mess! Why are you telling me?

- Well, so the story goes - Rick shrugged. - The murderer, by the way, has never been found. But it is said that since then, every year on the night, when there was this terrible crime of this hut can hear the cries of the dying girl. That's why that night and called the noisiest night in September.

- You all this just invented.

- Not at all. Can not you hear this legend? In our town all know about it.

- No, I did not hear - Joy turned away from the terrible huts. - Rick, let's get out of here, back to the city. If you once told me why he called me here, I would never have agreed to come.

- Come on, it's fun! Let's go into the hut, tickle nerves. It has long been no one.

- What could it be interesting? - Joey is troubled. - And if that poor dead girl starts to cry again? I do not want to even think about it!

- But it's just a terrible legend. You do not believe in these stories? Maybe someone here really killed, but the victim screamed every year in the same night? .. Bullshit. Come on!

He grabbed Joey's wrist, but she escaped:

- Rick, I do not have to. I'm scared.

- It is terrible, but still interesting, I bet.

- Not a drop. There just creepy.

- Well, as you know - he waved his hand. - I have something in any raze going to enter in this hut, once came this far. And you, if you want, can stay here alone ...

- No! - Joey exclaimed in despair, imagining what it will be, when it will be without a satellite in this dark edge. - Okay, I'll go with you. But do not try to scare me, I already at the limit. Well?

- Well, - has agreed with suspicious ease Rick.

They walked slowly to the hut - Joy was so strained that barely rearranging naughty feet. Near the building looked more impressive than it seemed from afar. Logs walls blackened by time. The hut was one window beside the door - Joey kept her gaze from him.

- Rick, come back - she moaned in the vain hope.

- Do not be afraid of you, - he cheerfully took the door handle and pulled over. Rusty hinges creaking turned to heartbreaking. Joey almost cried.

Rick stuck his head in the door aperture:

- Hey! Is there anybody here? You have guests!

- Stop it!

- Hmm, and there is quite cozy - Rick said. - Everything is very well preserved. Table, chairs ... Look, there's a wooden cot in the corner. It is said on it and found the girl. Well, what was left of it ...

He ceremoniously opened the door for her. Trembling, Joy still made an effort and reached the threshold. The moonlight illuminated the not rich decoration of the hut. Indeed, there was also a table and couch. Joy immediately thought on the couch seen ugly dark spots, but it's certainly a game of her imagination ...

- Surprise! - Rick pushed her in the back. In order not to fall, Joey instinctively took two steps forward and once in the hut. The door immediately closed behind her back with a dying cry. Darkness closed around her.

- Rick! - She turned to panic and pushed open the door. She did not give in.

- What's the joke? Rick, let me out, I'm scared!

He did not answer. Joy drummed on the tree-grip hands:

- Rick, please!

Silence. Joey thought that now would die of fright. In the eyes I had tears, and she bit her lip to keep from sobbing. No, Rick can not do it so badly! Let it always tolerated his stupid and cruel jokes, but this time it has gone too far!

- Rick, if you now do not let me out ... - She broke off.


No, this can not be. Silly horror story. Nobody here did not die.

Turn around.

She's here alone. No one here, except Rick, who propped the back door and go in his stupid silent laughter. It's just an old empty
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
- is that it? asked the joy.yes, "said rick. his blonde hair covered the moon. - she"s the one. cabin with ghosts.he carefully looked at low бревенчатое structure, and she suddenly became chilly in here.- there"s no ghosts, cry out in hell, she said. - you"re scaring me. you like to scare me.- i"m telling the truth, solemnly said rick, but in his eyes, she noticed the craftiness. - do you know why the night called the noisy night of september?- no.- well, i"m gonna tell you. it was twenty years ago. then, the cabin was very new. there usually were hunters who were going to go to the game in the surrounding woods. it"s also a place loved young couples like us. they made this clearing date night. say the bright хибарка seen many kisses. well, and something else, too, rick chuckled.- come on, одёрнула his joy. - what happened?- not a very good one september morning it is because in the cabin found the body of a young girl. she was murdered, and extremely cruel manner. she was raped, cut off the hands and feet, and she cleaned the stomach. she bled to death.joy is clammy from head to toe.- what a mess! why are you telling me?- well, so the story, rick shrugged. - the killer, and was never found. but they say that, since then, every year on the night it happened a terrible crime, from the cabin"s screams of the dying woman. the reason they called that night the bustling night of september.you just made all of that up.- no, not at all. have you heard this story? in our town know everything about her.- no, i didn"t hear joy out of a cabin. - rick, let"s get out of here, go back to the city. if you just tell me, why did you call me here, i would have never agreed to it.- come on, it"s interesting. let"s go to the cabin, tickle nerves. in her long time no one has gone before.- what could be so interesting? - summer joy. - and if that poor dead girl again starts yelling? i don"t even want to think about it!- but it"s only a legend. you don"t believe in this stuff? maybe someone is killed, but the victim to scream every year in the same night? ... a pack of lies. let"s go!he grabbed her by the wrist, but she escaped.rick, i don"t have to. i"m scared.- scary, but still curious, i bet.- not a drop. it"s just creepy.well, as you know, he"s given up. - i"m at any time to enter the cabin once hiked all the way out here. and if you want to, maybe stay here alone...- no! - she said joy desperate, presenting how she would be when she will stand without a satellite in the gloomy woods. - okay, i"ll go with you. but don"t try to scare me, and so i
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