Если хотите, я могу рассказать вам, почему я люблю ходить в походы. Дело в том, что я учился в небольшой школе. Она конечно же отличалась от всех московских школ. Нас было очень мало - около шестидесяти.
If you want, I can tell you why I love to go camping. The thing is that I was in a small school. It certainly was different from all Moscow schools. We had very little about sixty.
If you want, I can tell you why I love to go camping. The fact that I went to a small school. It is certainly different from all Moscow schools. There were very few - about sixty.
if you want, i can tell you why i love camping. well, i went to a small school. it was certainly a change from all the moscow school. we had very little about sixty.