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В рассказе "Любовь к жизни" Джек Ло

В рассказе "Любовь к жизни" Джек Лондон изобразил двух друзей-золотоискателей. Один из них вывихнул ногу и попросил своего спутника о помощи. Но тот бросил товарища в беде и пошел дальше. Он решает идти дальше, но сбивается с дороги. Он изнемогал от голода, он впадал в беспамятство, бредил едой. Он начинал думать, что умереть не так больно, как жить. Но сквозь бессилие прорывалась бесконечная любовь к жизни и вынуждала его еще и еще раз подниматься, и идти дальше. Герою удалось выйти к людям, но в конце пути он увидел останки своего друга-предателя. Еще долгое время спасшегося преследовал страх голодной смерти.

Это рассказ о бесстрашном человеке, преодолевшем страшные испытания. Это рассказ о силе духа, несмотря на самые жестокие обстоятельства. Это рассказ о любви к жизни, которая заложена в каждом из нас.

Это произведение оказало на меня потрясающее впечатление. Джек Лондон нашел у людей, пожалуй, их главное чувство – любовь к жизни, их стремление – борьбу за жизнь в тяжелейших ситуациях. Но главное, в любом положении надо оставаться человеком, не терять своего достоинства, не вставать на путь предательства, сохраняя в себе лучшие качества, которыми каждый человек награжден с рождения.

"Любовь к жизни" в очередной раз доказывает нам, что у человека нет ничего, что было бы так бесценно, как его собственная жизнь. Это единственное, что у нас есть, за что мы готовы бороться до последнего вздоха.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In the story "love of life" Jack London depicted two friends-gold miners. One of them sprained his leg and asked his companion. But he threw a friend in trouble and went on. He decides to go further but goes astray from the road. He become weary from hunger, he lapsed into unconsciousness, raved about the food. He began to think that the die is not so painful, how to live. But through impotence proryvalas′ endless love for life and forced him to rise again and again, and move on. The hero was able to get out to the people, but at the end of the path, he saw the remains of his friend-traitor. For a long time an escapee chased the fear of starvation.It is the story of a fearless man, a terrible preodolevšem test. This is a story about the power of the spirit, despite the most severe circumstances. This is a story about love for life, which is embedded in all of us.This work has had a tremendous impression on me. Jack London found in humans, perhaps, their main feeling is love of life and their desire-struggle for life in the most difficult situations. But the main thing in any position must remain human, do not lose their dignity, not to fall into the path of betrayal, while retaining the best qualities that each person awarded with the birth. "Love of life" once again proves to us that the person does not have anything that would be so priceless, as his own life. This is the only thing that we have, we are ready to fight until the last breath.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

In the story "Love of Life" by Jack London he portrayed the two friends-miners. One sprained foot and his companion asked for help. But he gave up a comrade in trouble and went on. He decides to go on, but straying from the road. He fainted from hunger, he would fall into unconsciousness, delirium food. He was beginning to think that dying is not so painful to live. But through impotence broke infinite love of life and forced him to again and again to go up, and move on. Hero was able to reach out to people, but in the way he saw the remains of his friend, the traitor. For a long time survivor haunted by the fear of starvation.

This is the story of a fearless man to break the terrible test. This is a story about the power of the spirit, in spite of the most severe circumstances. This is a story about the love of life, which is inherent in all of us.

This work has had a tremendous impression on me. Jack London found in humans, perhaps, their main feeling - love of life, their desire - the struggle for life in the most difficult situations. But most importantly, in any position necessary to be a man, do not lose their dignity, not to stand on the treachery path, preserving the best qualities that each person awarded with the birth.

"Love of Life" once again shows us that a person has no personal that would be as priceless as his own life. This is the only thing that we have, what we are willing to fight to the last breath.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in the story "love of life" jack london depicted two friends - prospectors. one of them is sprained his ankle and asked his companion for assistance. but he left the comrade is in trouble and went on. he decides to move on, but go astray from the way. he изнемогал from hunger, he lashed out in remembering, raved about the food. he began to think that the die is not so much how to live. but through the endless love of life broke and had him again and again to climb, and move on. the hero managed to get to the people, but in the end he found the remains of his friend"s betrayal. for a long time that escaped after the fear of starvation.this is the story of бесстрашном man overcame terrible ordeal. this is a story about the power of the spirit, even the most violent circumstances. this is the story of the love to life, which is in each of us.this work has provided me a good impression. jack london got people, perhaps their main sense, love of life, their pursuit is a struggle for life in dire situations. but, above all, in any position to be a man, don"t lose your dignity, do not stand in the way of betrayal, while retaining the best quality which each person has been born."love for life" once again proves to us that there is nothing that would be invaluable, as his own life. it"s the only thing that we have, what we are prepared to fight to the last breath.
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