. They met at the station two hours ago.2. Where did you spent last Su перевод - . They met at the station two hours ago.2. Where did you spent last Su английский как сказать

. They met at the station two hours

. They met at the station two hours ago.

2. Where did you spent last Sunday?

3. We were in a hurry because only twenty minutes were left before the beginning of the performance.

4. I was playing the violin when my friend came in. He invited me to the theatre and I accepted the invitation with pleasure.

5. He rang up his friend and asked him about the homework,

6, When I came to the theatre, my friend al­ready was waiting for me.

7. Last Sunday we went sksing in the country. There was already a lot of snow in the fields and we  enjoyed ourselves. We were skiing for two hours and a half.          
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
. They met at the station two hours ago.2. Where did you spent last Sunday?3. We were in a hurry because only twenty minutes were left before the beginning of the performance.4. I was playing the violin when my friend came in. He invited me to the theatre and I accepted the invitation with pleasure.5. He rang up his friend and asked him about the homework,6, When I came to the theatre, my friend al­ready was waiting for me.7. Last Sunday we went sksing in the country. There was already a lot of snow in the fields and we enjoyed ourselves. We were skiing for two hours and a half.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
。他们两个小时前在车站见面了。2。上星期日你在哪里度过的?三.我们 很匆忙,因为只有二十分钟 表演开始之前离开。4。当我的朋友进来时,我正在拉小提琴。他邀请我去看戏,我高兴地接受了邀请。5。他给他的朋友打电话问他关于家庭作业的,6,当我来到剧院,我的朋友艾尔­准备等待着我。7。上星期日我们去 市深建升国。有 已经在很多领域,我们 玩雪。我们两个半小时的滑雪。
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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